She was carrying a sled that a friend made for me many years ago. It was an unpainted Christmas ornament that she repainted and fancied up with toothpick painting. Very pretty.
I asked Tessie what she was doing? She mumbled something about needing a rope for the sled.
I asked if I could take a photo of her and the sled for the blog. She was a bit cagey about answering......Then she replied, in a loud voice, "You can only take my picture if you give me a cookie!"
The light dawns. She wasn't so worried about the sled, as she was about her stomach.
She looked up at me and said sweetly, "More please?"
I asked her nicely to go find something else to do. I was busy.
She disappeared with the sled. No argument? No back talk? Hmmmmm.....
I went on about my business and did some more cleaning in the bedroom.
After a while, I heard voices in the kitchen. They were getting louder. I could finally make out what was being said...
Zar said,"I've got the fudge and the cookies are loaded on the sled."
Then from Tessie....."Oh! A whole cookie of my very own!"
Zar got louder. "Tessie, don't just sit there on the butter. We don't have time for you to eat a whole cookie. Casey will be back any time now!"
He was starting to sound hysterical. "We have to go this instant!!!"
I rounded the corner with the camera, just in time to get this picture. Then Tessie looked up and saw me.
I heard two voices , simultaneously yell, "OH NO!!!"
Then with a flash, everything on the counter disappeared. Cookies, fudge, the sled, Zar and Tessie all gone.
They did leave the two sticks of butter. There was a reason for that.
I heard a small voice, coming from the Christmas tree....."Make more cookies please...."
Then, "Oh and we need more fudge too!"
I am off to restock the cookie jar and the fudge plate now.
See you tomorrow.
Funny how the christmas goodies disappear like that and you have to make a second batch, then a third!
Happy Christmas Casey!
They are so darn cute! I love the little'll have to lock up the cookies and fudge! Have a very happy Christmas and a very happy, healthy New Year!
Merry Christmas, hope you all have a great day :)
Julia xxx
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