Then I went on to painting and gluing all of the little corbels around the roof edge.
I am still not sure that I want the bay to open. I am not a fan of front opening houses and the way I have it planned, there will be nothing blocking the view of it inside. I stuck it on so that I could get the placement right. I would probably finish most of the inside of the kitchen before I closed it permanently. Easier to work that way.
The only other thing that I accomplished was gluing down the balcony railing. It was getting dangerous. Tessie likes to hang over the edge and make sure that I am doing things right. I wouldn't want her to fall off and land in a glue pot or a bucket of paint.
I finally found one little nitpicking complaint about the RGT kit. The balcony rail that they provide is three sided....If you stick it up there in a straight line, there is a gap of almost an inch between the left post and the roof. I guess I am just picky. If you put the post against the roof, it throws the whole thing out of whack. If you don't, there's the gap. I decided to improvise. It's not perfect, but It is a close match. I simply added a bit of porch railing from another kit to the top and bottom and added one vertical post. The gap is filled and nobody is going to fall through.
I know. Picky. Picky. Picky. I don't like holes where there shouldn't be holes.
I forgot....I also put the crown molding around the edge of the balcony and ran it to the back of the house. They give you plain strip wood to use for that and I just don't like the look of it.
As you can see, I am almost done with the outside now. I still have to add the front steps and decide on "open or close" on the bay.
Other than that, I am pretty much ready to go inside and start work there.
Wish me luck!
See you tomorrow.
Casey, it's looking great. As to your railing - safety first, eh? In regard to the front opening bay, I'd make it open-able to keep your options open. After don't HAVE to open it when it's done, right? Tessie must be very happy with how her new house is coming along!
Geeeesh. You can build an entire house in the time it takes me to find a house, pack a house and move a house! Where IS Tessie when I need her?!!! Probably drinking tomato wine, I'll bet. I think I'll get me a glass of whine myself!
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