They carried everything up to the roof top and continued.
Every once in a while Tessie would come down to make sure that I was still working. She brought me some wallpaper that she liked for the kitchen and had me cut a piece to fit one of the walls, so that she could see how it looked.
The kitchen in my house, in real life is black and white. I guess it has rubbed off on her. She seems to be leaning towards that combination for hers.
I got the part that she is standing on finished yesterday.....Today I thought that I could whip the rest of it out in no time....I was wrong....
As in all things mini, you must estimate the time and multiply by 12. It is, after all, 1/12 scale....Time seems to slow down by the same rate as the scale involved. I wonder why that is?
Anyway, I am going to have to quit for today, even if Tessie is not happy about it. I need to get ready to go out to dinner later. We are celebrating our wedding anniversary today. The first 38 years have been great. Time flies when you're having fun! I think that we will be trying for 38 more.
See you tomorrow.
Congratulations on your wedding day, you are right - time flyes, and good things take time..
Love, Susanne,
I've been watching the house progress and it looks so great so far! Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby!!!
Many Congratulations on your 38th Anniversary Casey. Here's to the next
Happy Anniversary, Casey! I love how the slate floor is turning out.
Happy Anniversary Casey!
awwww congrats sweetie!!! and many many more to you both. beth
Happy Anniversary, Casey and Walter! Here's to 38 more!!
Oh Happy Day! Hope you have a wonderful evening! Happy Anniversary!
Congratulations on your anniversary. Have a great dinner and evening.
Happy Anniversary Casey and Walter, may you share many more wonderful years together!
Happy Anniversay to you and Walter, Casey!!!!
Note: My Dads name was Walter I don't think I have heard of anyone else with that name, so thats nice to hear it again
Those tiles are really fabulous!
Oh dear that Tessie is never pleased!!!!She would work your fingers to the bone!!!
Happy Anniversary! :)
The townhouse is really coming along, thank goodness Tessie is being such a help. :)
I just now read this post - Happy Anniversary Casey! 38 years is amazing!
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