I am sure that the real reason that you are here is to see if I got into Tessie's hidey hole. I saw her sneaking in last night when she thought my back was turned. I just kept typing with one hand and got this photo with the other. I am getting just about as sneaky as she is, although I am not sure that is a good thing.
She was quickly in and out. I didn't see what she had in her hand when she left, but I did get a glimpse of what she has stashed behind the door.....Well, now I know where to look if anything come up missing!
I waited until I heard her snoring later. Then I peeked in. Amazingly, she doesn't even have a lock on the door.
I felt like Howard Carter when he first looked through a small opening into King Tutankhamen's tomb....Lord Carnarvon asked "Can you see anything?" He replied "Yes, wonderful things!"
Tessie has been a busy girl. The little room behind the wall is jamb packed, almost floor to ceiling. Looking straight through the door, I counted 5 oriental rugs, a rocker, a sewing machine, three sets of brand new sheets and a pair of slippers(which she will never wear) and the red footstool that Zar has been wanting for his living room.
I carefully pulled the footstool out. By doing that I could look left and right. Remember the glass trunk that she traded for the wicker one a few months ago? It's baaaack.....and besides that one, she has found an elegant red velvet, with gold trim, one that I made. She has them both stuffed to the gills with material. I guess that's why she stole the sewing machine. They are perched on a cabriole legged table and behind that there is the armoire on which I painted the roses to do the tutorial a while ago.
When I looked to the right, I saw that she has also taken my table saw.
There is one thing that makes me think that Tessie is not alone in this endeavour.....There are a pile of Zar's racing forms laying on the carpet. Tessie doesn't read racing forms. And why is Zar's footstool so conveniently placed in front of the rocker? Maybe Zar is a willing accomplice.....Maybe he was just spelled into helping. The plot thickens....
I put the footstool back in place, closed the door and replaced the dust bunnies on the baseboard. Shhhhhh.....
See you tomorrow.
Lol,Tessie has been so busy.
I need to go back to your earlier posts and find out all about this secret place she has made for herself.
Nikki x
Oh Tessie has been a busy little Witch what a wonderful secret stash she has accumulated in her secret room. She's storing there ready for her "Spiderwort Manor"..xxx
I hope you were tiptoeing...
Such a busy bee. How could she manage to do it without lifting any suspect?She is a clever girl. Hugs
Thank you for the link for the gargoyles. I shall look them up later.
I forgot to tell you earlier. I love the glass trunk too. I can see it being the home of some sort of mystical water creature.
I really don't know how you find all these treasures, but what's worse is Tessie pinching them.
I would keep an eye on the hidey hole otherwise all your treasures will vanish.
Nikki and Rosanna, I have a terrible suspicion that this is not the only hidey hole. There is more missing than meets the eye........After all, she has been at it for over a year now!
Debbie! Stop encouraging her!Stop mentioning Spiderwort Manor...
Susanna, I was tiptoeing!
That bad Tessie! Good thing you found where she had stashed everything. Maybe I have some sort of invisible gremlin stashing my things here and there--both mini and life-sized! I was feeling left out that you have Zar and Tessie and I pulled out my little fuzzy bear I made and may make him our little building mascot!
I don't blame Tessie for scrounging around amongst all of your treasures and squirreling them away as her own! I'd love to rummage around in there myself! HA! And she does live with you so it's kinda OK I think. As long as she doesn't take them off of the premises! Oh gee I'm encouraging her, aren't I? I'm sorry!
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