Last week, when I was bemoaning the fact that I was running out of watch parts, Kim from Flowers and Art e mailed me and made arrangements to send me some watch parts. They arrived yesterday afternoon. They are wonderful. 
I have to say thank you to Kim! These were a gold mine of small wheels, and other odd parts. Too bad I'm not doing quarter inch scale right now. There was even a piece that I swear would make a perfect electric guitar in that scale. I will have to save that for later.
See you tomorrow.
As soon as I opened the package, Tessie was inside, throwing packing peanuts every which way. I pulled out the tissue that was holding the machine parts. Tessie grabbed a lens with a silver frame and little handle. And immediately started with "Mine! Mine!" For some reason she thinks it is a glass tennis racket....??? Don't ask me why. For the time being, it is hers. It will keep her busy whilst I take apart the watches and the larger travel clock cases.
After an hour of fighting with the tiny screws I got them mostly apart.
Tessie got bored with the "tennis racket" and opted for one of the watch parts that I left with the mainspring on it and another wheel attached by a smaller spring. She desperately wants something made from this piece for her place. She kept saying, in a low voice,"Don't show this one to Zar.... Please?" That's the second "Please?" that I have ever gotten from her. I am getting soft. When she says that I have to agree not to give the piece to Zar. I know it is something that she really wants. So far she hasn't mentioned Spiderwort Manor and the word please in the same sentence..... My fingers are crossed.
There is only one problem. Give Tessie an inch and she will take a mile.
I went back to work and then I noticed that she was surreptitiously stuffing other parts in her apron pocket! Each time she shoved one in she whispered,"Shiny. Shiny." Then I would hear "Not shiny."and hear a thunk as she threw a wheel or knob back in the pile. She didn't even look at the white nylon wheels. Definitely not shiny.
Here you see what those four watches and a travel clock yielded. It is amazing how much stuff they can get into a tiny wrist watch!
I am in awe of everything that is in that pile.
Evidently, so is Tessie. I made her put the things that she had in her pocket back. I let her keep the first piece that she picked out. Now all I have to do is figure out what can be made with a mainspring that has already sprung......I am sure that Tessie already has something in mind....I don't think that I want to know what it is. I guess I should go find Zar and let him see the haul. He's going to love this!
See you tomorrow.
Isn't dissecting old timepieces fun...not to mention challenging! Those teensy screws are a real pain. Have fun with the'd be surprised what can be made.
Oh Neat!! Can't wait to see what you do with it!! I'm sure Tessie and Zar will not be short on ideas for you!!
Oh....and thanks for reminding me about the teen years, Let's just keep our fingers crossed that she doesn't do anything I did when I was her age:)
What a treasure trove! Any any as to why Tessie wanted that specific part?
Tabitha, I won't be surprised.LOL I already went through one bunch of watch parts that Grace from Treefeathers sent me....
Katie, I will keep my fingers crossed, but Cora has a lot of years ahead as a teen. VBEG
Kat, What is always her reason? Someone else has it. Tessie wants it just on principle!
Casey, I am sure the parts are really exciting but what really amazes me is the beaded covers you made for your screwdrivers!! You just never stop amazing!
Como me gusta como relata cualquier acontecimiento, Tessi, está pasando a formar parte de mi lectura diaria.A ver que hace...
Casey at least all the shiny stuff kept Tessie out of trouble for a little while. Looking forward to seeing what wonderful creations emerge from this lot.. xx
I am so glad that Tessie found something she wanted from the package- I don't want to be on Tessie's bad side! I can't wait to see what Zar makes from all of this :)
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