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Thursday, June 4, 2009


OK. I know that that isn't a word, but I am making it one. My definition is a room that is starting to look like a kitchen.

It is going slowly. I framed the window above the sink and put some of the base molding in place. I didn't put the actual window in place yet. It is a bump out and I still have to do the leaded glass for it.

Tessie seems to think that every time I add something she should quickly move lots of the stuff in to see if it still fits. I haven't figured out why she thinks she should have a say in what goes into the kitchen, other than the fact that she seems to spend more time here than in her own place. Maybe I should suggest that she apply for the housekeeper's position........No. I couldn't be that cruel to Zar. She would drive him over the edge in no time flat.

The window over the sink was finished with a piece of crown molding to hold up the sill, a 3/32" piece of wood cut to fit inside the window box and out over the molding. Then I ran a piece of molding up either side. Don't tell anyone. I cut off the top of the photo because I don't have the top piece in place yet.

I probably should have started with the one at the back. It is my least favorite one. It will just be a boring regular window. I did get the ceiling light hung higher. The shelf unit that goes in front of the dumbwaiter is just temporarily stuck up there to see how it would look.(courtesy of Tessie)

Balthazar is going to have to sit down and make a decision about the stove. So far he has been toying with electrifying a wood stove and inventing a whole new one.....There is a possibility that either choice could be dangerous....He wants to put it right next to the "Extreme Chiller". Water? Electricity? I keep telling him that they don't mix. He keeps showing me the electrically frozen water in the top of the box. At least he hasn't blown up the house or set it on fire yet......

After Tessie got the kitchen looking more like a kitchen Zar came wandering in for cappuccino. Tessie is still setting that up on the sink drain. We are going to have to find a better place for it.

Tessie dragged back the round table once again. I am going to have to build a rectangular work table that won't take up so much room. It looks like I have my work cut out for the rest of the day. I need to do the shelves next to the sink. I wonder how a shelf would look above the far window. I thought that this was going to be a large kitchen. Not so much any more.

Well.....Enough stalling. I have shelves and tables to build!

See you tomorrow.


Tina said...

The kitchen is looking good.. Isn't it funny how rooms shrink when you start moving things into them.. real life or miniature..
Have a wonderful day, Tina

Kim said...

The rug looks so perfect in there! Poor Zar, he had no idea that he would be getting a neighbor that was constantly at his house! At least she isn't trying to steal anything of his today!

rosanna said...

Tessie looks very concerned on Zar's behalf. May be she does not have bad intentions but she is only willing to help. The rug is perfect in the kitchen

MiniKat said...

It's looking great, Casey! I do think kitchen-esque is a good descriptor for the transformation process. :-)

nikkinikkinikki72 said...

Its all looking lovely. Looks like Tessie has almost moved herself in.
Nikki x

nikkinikkinikki72 said...

Hi Casey. Ifound this website today and althought its a uk one they have some nice ideas with gears and things.
I thought some of the effect may be good for your house.

Jo Raines said...

I love reading about Tessie's various adventures and accessorizing! How fun! The kitchen I have been collecting for is to be based on one from Reminisce Magazine--a 40's kitchen full of wonderful things! Now to get DH off hay cutting and baling long enough to build a roombox.

Mini Leaps and Bounds

Debbie said...

The Kitchen's looking great Casey..