Speaking of places to put things, Zar's kitchen didn't have any canisters for flour, sugar, tea and coffee. What ever happened to the old tin ones that our moms used to have? They always had such neat designs and were so colorful. Now all we have is stainless steel, glass and sometimes plastic. None of them are very pretty. I think that the old tin ones have all rusted to pieces for the most part. Because of that, we mini people have to make our own with what we have.
Nobody likes to talk about them in real life, but they are so handy in mini. Remember the barrel purse and the bolster pillows that I did tutorials for way back towards the beginning entries of this blog?
Judee Williamson taught me to use them for bolsters about 25 years ago. I have been thinking up uses for them ever since. The canisters and the purses were both those"wake up at 3am and can't get back to sleep" ideas. I have been making them for a years, since a couple of middle of the night AHA! moments.
I keep a combo pack of them handy exclusively for minis. That's the ones that they put out that have 3 sizes in one box. They are wonderful little gadgets. Please allow me to demonstrate.
Here you see the start of a large canister. I used the largest size. Each size is actually two different diameters. In this case, that is essential.
For the large canister I cut three pieces from the tubes. Use a sharp exacto to cut. To measure where to cut, simply wrap a strip of paper the right width around the tube and mark with a pencil. The shorter, outside piece and the lid rim are cut from the larger tube. The liner, that the cap sits over to stay on is cut a little taller from the inner tube. Take them apart like they are in the photo. The outer piece, in this case was cut 5/8" tall. The inner piece was cut about 1/16" taller. I cut a strip of mini wallpaper the same height as the outer one and long enough to go around the tube. I also cut a strip 1/8" to match the piece that I cut for the rim of the lid.
I used white glue and attached the wallpaper to these two pieces. You can overlap if the paper is not too thick. In this instance, I cut it exactly, without overlapping.
When the glue dries, set your larger pieces on the wallpaper and trace around the edge. I just glued this piece straight to the edge of the top and bottom without overlapping anything. After it is dry I used a gold pen to edge the top and bottom of the canister and lid. For some reason, in the photo the gold ink looks kind of green. The last step is to put a bead on top for a handle.
You can make various sizes of these for different applications. The ones that I remember had four different sizes. If you wanted them shiny like the old tin ones, you could use glossy varnish on them. You can also cut the smaller ones shorter and make old fashioned body powder boxes that open and then put a pompom inside for the puff.
Tessie grabbed this one before I could do the shiny part. She whipped the spoon out of her pocket and immediately started searching for things to fill it with. I imagine that one will be for flour. It is the largest.
She is back to being a happy camper since I didn't make her put the skirt back on. I'll tell you a secret. The skirt that she usually wears is actually a petticoat. She took to wearing that, her chemise and a vest a long time ago. Those and an apron is all she needs. Oh! She does have bloomers, but she won't ever show you those. Shame on you for asking!
Anyway, things seem to be back to normal, now that Tessie can properly ride the dragon without her skirt hiking up.
I guess I should go make the other three canisters. Tessie needs a place to keep the cappuccino.
See you tomorrow.
P.S. I added a couple of extra instructions in later. I hope they make everything clearer.
What a brilliant idea! That cannister is so cute! Thanks for sharing!
YOU ARE A GENIUS !!!! I love the tampax idea! I hate them in real life but I'll go and buy them at once on minis purpose. Casey, you are my mith!
Casey, thank you so much for sharing that. Never in a mega million month of Sundays would I have ever thought of using a tampax tube. What a brilliant idea :O)
Debie xxx
Please note that I added into the blog that the Tampax Tampons have to be the cardboard kind. They take to gluing and cutting with an exacto better than the other ones do. I'm glad that you like the idea. Thanks!
Tessie, Love the new vest and color.. But also loved the puce.
Casey as for the canisters.. You really are good.. I will have to go out and purchase some tampons just for this. I have been trying to figure out just how I want to make them, this way seems to be the one that will work out best.
Thanks for sharing your how to with us.
LOL, who would have thought! The canister looks great, and the multipack idea is pure genius, I will definitely give this a try. Thanks for sharing
Wow! I finally have a use for the cardboard tubes that remain after our youngest cat ransacks my tampon box!
She loves the crinkle of the paper and she will "kill" the fuzzy mouse that's inside. But the tubes somehow escape the destruction. Don't ask me... I'm not a cat.
Hmm... maybe I'll leave that cabinet open on purpose tonight. ;-)
Wow casey how clever of you!!!
Thank you for sharing this brilliant idea!
una idea genial!!!! muchas gracias!!!!
Casey...another brillant idea! Man I really need to get to work in my dining room so I can play!!!!
That is a brillant idea!!!The canister looks great!!.
Thank you very very much for sharing!.
I have done two... brilliant idea. I have fun very much!!
I love the canister and the idea that started it.
Thank you so much for sharing this tut. I always enjoy my visit and look forward to seeing what else you come up with. I am your #1 fan.
looking forward to your next goodie!
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