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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Goodies From Tabitha!

Walter didn't bring in the mail until later in the day yesterday. There was a small cardboard box wrapped in lots of clear packaging tape in the pile. It was from Tabitha Corsica(AKA Susan). She warned me that Zar was going to receive a present....Then she wrote that she felt that Tessie should have something too so that her nose wouldn't be out of joint. Neither Tessie or Zar was around when it came. I got to open it in peace before they got there.

This is what I found in the box. It's a super Steampunk bedside clock for Zar and two puce perfume bottles for Tessie. You can see in the next photo that she also enclosed some extra supplies in puce to make Tessie more bottles.

Susan, you will be happy to hear the the perfume bottles saved the clock for Zar. It also helped that Zar arrived at the same time that she did. He threatened to wring her little puce neck if she touched the clock.....I think that helped a bit too.

Later Zar had to show off the tintype portrait that he found of his grandma. He is going to hang that in the living room in a place of honour, not the bathroom. He just happened to run into me on the way out of the secret workshop. Now I am wondering what else he has hidden around the house.

The last photo of the day is of the Night Blooming Cereus that resides in the corner of our back yard. I know this has absolutely nothing to do with miniatures, but it is really pretty this year and with the cloud cover there were still some blossoms open at 8 in the morning. It is really loaded this year so there will be more.

The wall that you see in the photo is six feet tall, so that gives you some idea how big the cactus really is. It is all one plant and taller than the fig tree that you see next to it. There are two little black spots above the two left side flowers. Those are bees. I think that my backyard is where all the missing honey bees congregate when they disappear from other places.

I am already picking figs off of the tree. They seem to be early this year. I am not complaining. Neither are the bees!

Anyway, that's about all of the news that is fit to print. Oh! Be warned. I am looking for a new background for the blog, so don't be surprised if you come in some morning and I have redecorated.

See you tomorrow.


Tabitha Corsica said...

So glad everything arrived intact! When I heard Zar was a steampunk kinda guy, I knew I had something just perfect for him... As for HRH, I was afraid she'd throw a hissy fit if she was left out. Didn't want Zar to have to deal with that, no matter how good he is at handling her. :-)


rosanna said...

The clock is so interesting, I know that Zar will be more than happy to have it. Grandma was a very stern looking Lady, Zar has a much friendlier face.

Kim said...

Lucky Zar and Tessie! I love the cactus! I wish I could see it in person- I bet it is even more impressive than pictures could ever show.

Debora said...

If ther where no postman... ooh, how could we manage? Then those sweet little gifts from Tabitha would not be were you are.

Lovely pics from you pretty garden. Your fig and cactus look so excotic to me, you lucky girl. Those kind of plant couldn't thrive here (europe). But we have other beauties ;-)) Enjoy the bees and the flowers!