So this morning, what did I do? I spent a couple of hours in the back yard raking and pruning. We have a small yard, but sometimes it gets to looking like a jungle. I have a plot that is about six by nine feet that is sectioned off to feed the birds and squirrels. That had to be cleaned and some bushes had to be trimmed so that I could get to the hose. What vacation?

Rewind. Start again. Vacation. I decided to sit and do needlework for a while........Guess who showed up to help? Tessie announced that she didn't like the afghan in her cottage since it was a "hand me down" and not made specifically for her. "Teach me to crochet and I'll do it myself.".......Need I say that this was not the best idea in the world? In the first place, the hook on a #14 is small enough for her to handle, but the handle is about as tall as she is. I will give her credit. She got about 10 chains done before she gave that up as a lost cause. All the while "Spike the Stoic" stood by watching.
She was sitting in one of my embroidery boxes to work on the crocheting. She noticed that she was surrounded by all kinds of pretty colors and she was perched on a pile of hardanger fabric. One of the pieces was a rug that I started a couple of days ago. No pattern. Just the rug.

That gave me an idea. I have been working on some fancy towel sets. It stood to reason that she could handle those.
I threaded a #12 between needle. They are the smallest, shortest needles that I have. She settled down on one of my largest thread spools and put her feet up on a smaller one. Then she shouted at me for not moving a "seat" for Spike.

See you tomorrow.
I'm impressed you finally found something that could keep Tessie occupied more than a few minutes! She looks so happy and satisfied while stitching that fancy towel! Great photo!
Oh Tessie, Your talents amaze me.. Even though you have the power to witch things you are so humble to want to do it the mortal way.
Does Tessie have any sisters? I think I need a Tessie to live here... Wait what I am saying.. It would be almost like having teenagers in the house
But if by chance Tessie needs a vacation she is welcome to visit and she can bring Spike..
Tina, trust me. You don't want Tessie. She is more like having a teen that never outgrew the "terrible twos"! Tessie has two sisters, but they live in the Witch's Warehouse and wouldn't move for anything. About the vacation. Tessie thinks that she is on,to quote Aerosmith, "Perminent Vacation"!LOL
I love those kind of vacations when hubby is away and then brings home dinner! Although I don't know how much "rest" you'll get with Tessie around!
I'm happy that Tessie has found something which enlarge her span of attention. My Walter is going to play golf for the next two days. Shall we share vacation?
Rosanna, we share husband's names, by all means we should share the vacation. Needlework for two days sounds like heaven!
Not cooking for 3 days sounds like a vacation to me:)
Woo-who! Look at Tessie cross stitching!! Love the last pic with Spike watching!
FH will be around, but he knows how to cook. He's better at it than I am in fact. ;-)
Perhaps I will join you in spirit. :-)
Oh lol, you always make me laugh!
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