Tessie volunteered to help! Here she is waiting for me to open the sewing cabinet at the left so that she can shot put the spool of lavender thread into it. This is kind of like a "Where's Waldo" thing. You have to find her.
As you can see, I didn't even have enough room on the table for the house. So I played "Free Style" like the show of the same name on HGTV.
On that show they simply rearrange the furniture and bring stuff in from other rooms to make the room in question stylish.....Sometimes I really do think that they buy things specifically for the restyle and squirrel them away in other parts of the house so that the designer can magically find all of the right things for the room. I had it on in the background this morning and they found 4 amazing yellow and green throw pillows in a bedroom that was basically decorated in red and black.......What's wrong with this picture? The room that they were restyling was decorated in, you guessed it, yellow and green!
Anyway, I did the same thing that they do. I stripped the area bare and started from scratch. The only thing left was the table and the chair. I went out in the garage and hunted up a large artist's drawing board that I don't use a lot. I hangs over the top of the table about 6" on all four sides. Then I went and got a tablecloth that I have used only a couple of times because it is so big and put that over the board.
I will put a piece of clear plastic material or a vinyl tablecloth over the top to protect it.

After I finished, I had lots of room for the house(with Tessie hiding inside)and all of the extras that go with it while I am working. I stuck a task light, that I bought for twelve dollars at Wal Mart, in the corner.
I stole a bench from the computer room. It wasn't being used in there anyway. Now I am all set to work there.
The Lemon Meringue Pie was going so well that I didn't want to quit. I decided to re do my mini fabric stash.
Mind you, this is about 25 years of fabric. There are three drawers full and that is not even mentioning my stash of regular fabric for sewing and quilting. That's in part of two closets.

If it's not Tessie getting in my hair it's Mookie. They are a great tag team. As soon as I got the drawers out he got an evil grin on his little innocent kitty face. He jumped in the drawer on the left after I took this photo and tried to go to sleep. He lost all interest in the project as soon as I started stripping the drawers bare. It's no fun if he can't pull things out himself.
I put the ironing board on one side and the baskets from the drawers on the other side. No. I know you can't see the baskets.....That's why I have to sort everything.

Here's what they look like now. I still have another hour's work to finish the pile that is hiding behind the drawers. I love the crop option when playing with photos.....
I have them sorted by color on the left and middle and the drawer on the right has upholstery fabric to use for carpets. I know it doesn't look like much, but each of the drawers is two deep in baskets and each basket has at least 10 different fabrics. Some have as many as 20.
I am so happy with the fact that I will be able to work in the corner of the family room now and that I will be able to find the fabric that I need at a moment's notice. I'm afraid that this entry wasn't very exciting for anyone else, but for me it is very good Lemon Meringue Pie!
See you tomorrow.
It's the same thing I'm trying to do: a corner in our family room which is easy to keep tidy. But I need an extra table for Walter. Istill have to work on it. You have done a good job
Bet you found some fabric that you'd forgotten you had Casey.
Debbie, I didn't. I am messy enough that I have to do this at least once a year, so I remember from one time to the next what I have. Actually, it's the other way around. I am looking for some fabric that I know I had in there before. Now I can't figure out where I put it. It's most of the stuff that I use for men's clothing. That was part of the reason for wanting to clean. I guess I will just have to clean some more until I find it. LOL
It must be in the air, because I cleaned my corner out, too....then I went and took a 4 hour nap...Now I'm ready to clay! I love how you organized the material....And it was good to see Mookie...I was beginning to wonder if Tessie had him locked in the closet or something....You know she's been out saying horrid things about you...That you look like an alligator......What's up with that?????? LOL
Katie, I take everything that Tessie says with a grain of salt. She was probably mad at me at the time. Tomorrow she will want something and tell me that I look like a movie star.....Funny thing. She never specifies which movie star....
I think something is in the air, since I'm bush-whacking through my craft room and have been since Sunday.
It's very cramped in there because I have to fit my sewing fabric, fiber stuff, and miniatures into one small bedroom.
A good deal of my stashes are actually in my MIL's basement in big plastic tubs. ;-)
Oh, I think if you bring the alligator comment up with Tessie she will simply remind you that she keeps one for a pet, so "OBVIOUSLY" she thinks they look nice. ;-)
Looking stylish now Casey. The house is coming on great.
I agree with you about the designers and think the same. How do they suddenly have everything to match.
I am really envious of all of you, what I wouldn't do for a proper workroom instead of working on the dining table all the time!
This is great! Looks like an instant make-over. I have taken over our basement which is partially finished and yet, when everyone is home, I prefer to be upstairs so I've also taken over the dining room table for now. And I've got to take a pretty day soon, move all the boxes in my sewing area in the basement outside and rearrange and straighten, eliminate and throw away!
Mini Leaps and Bounds
Sans, Sometimes I wish I didn't have a proper workroom. Right now I can't even get in there. That's why I am working in a corner of the family room. I have many years of essential junque in the workroom that is leaning against the door and threatening to push it's way out! It's just more to keep clean and manage.
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