I did decide to glue the kitchen wing together and do the blog entry before I go back to reality. That way if I do wind up spending the day in the real world I will have something to think about while I am doing laundry, vacuuming and cleaning bathrooms. I could go on with this list, but I don't think it's necessary. You know what I mean......ICKY!

I went to glue the pieces together and discovered that I had glued the floor supports to the wrong side of the piece. I had to rip them off, repair and re glue that piece. GRRRR.
I finally got it all glued together with the help of the mini level that April gifted me with a couple of years ago. It is wonderful. It is only about an inch and a half long and hangs on a key chain. I think that she got them from some hardware store as and ad handout. Anyway, I finally got it together level and I am watching the glue dry as I work on other things now.
Tessie had to stick her nose in to see what was going on. She is a bit leery after the great crashing of the walls the last time she ventured into the area.

Someone suggested a hard hat and steel toed work boots for her. You should know by now that she refuses to wear any kind of shoes and a hard hat is out of the question. It would mess up her hair. I wonder if she has looked in a mirror lately....She came in with a piece of blue tape fastened around her waist. She says if the walls collapse it will save her. More than likely I will fine her hanging helplessly on the side of the building. It better not collapse!
It is time to go back to the real world now. I will leave you with one last photo of Tessie. She has gotten brave. She took off the tape and this is her chosen stance now as she yells "I'm Queen of the World!" at the top of her lungs. Somehow I don't think that a can of crushed pineapple quite equals the prow of the Titanic........
See You tomorrow.
Tessie's a trip...When I saw her all taped up, I had to laugh!
That mini level sounds like a good investment!
So Funny Casey. Tessie will have us all rolling on the floor laughing..
Tessie needs to be careful... someone needs to make her sit through a Health and Safety video about construction site safety!!!
I have to say I'm a little relived to see that you glued your floor supports on wrong... even after all these years you make mistakes! I've done so many 'silly' mistakes like that, and I thought it was just a 'newbie' thing!
Sasha, that's why I am here. I am giving you the good and the bad. Nobody NEVER makes mistakes. It doesn't matter how long you have been doing something. There is always room for error! LOL
When I saw her with the blue tape, I thought you were reigning her in while she sees if she can survive jumping off the 2nd floor!
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