Believe me, I am tempted to show Tessie the door. She is sometimes an ungrateful wretched witch.
See you tomorrow.

Today I finished framing and glazing the windows. I re stained all of the half timbers. Then I installed the curtains. If that wasn't enough, I then built the front step. Rotten witch! After all of that, all she had to say was "Where's the door? Show me the door!!!" Sorry Tessie, not today.
I still want to do some washes on the plaster to tone it down a bit. And yes, I have to make the door. I also need to do the foundation and the front stoop. And then there's the roof.........
This is currently the state of the inside.
I am still not sure about the skirted table in the kitchen. It needs to be moved more to the right. I wanted you to see the curtains. Without it the room looks kind of bare. With it(and chairs) it is a little crowded.

Tessie sits in her corner pouting about the door. Only a few more days and I will be finished!!! Maybe Tessie will be nicer to me when it is done. Yeah.....Right......
Anyway, here's the bedroom with the new curtains. At least Friskie appreciates it.

See you tomorrow.
The cottage is wonderfull, I'd like to live there myself, the hutch is so pretty and Tessie is really an ungrateful little witch. mini hugs
Tessie´s cottage looks great.
It's looking good Casey..x
Wow, it looks so good! Really impressed! Tessie can be so ungrateful sometimes!
Have I mentioned that I love your posts and stories? (I know, only a time or three.) Lately when I settle in with my morning cup of coffee and open up the RSS reader to catch up on the news and blogs, I find myself looking forward to the next chapter in the adventures of Casey and Tessie.
On a side note, maybe I need a Tessie of my own, she seems to be a good source of motivation and blog posts! :D
Tessie's cottage is looking great, Casey. If the skirted table with chairs takes up too much room, how would an uncovered small table work? Then you could push the chairs all the way in and they'd take up less floor space.
I love the cottage, the in- and the outsite! Verry beautifull.
* marlies
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