It is kind of spooky to see him like this.......I started working on the house and(let's call him Daniel for the time being. On one of the websites for name meanings the definition was "Ruler of the world".) started walking around and criticising the workmanship. "There are too many cracks. Where's the roof? What is that sloppy part over there going to be?" On that last one, he was refering to the kitchen addition.
I have dry fitted the rest of the walls. You can't tell it from this photo, but some of the walls are kind of warped. I had it stored flat so I know that it wasn't my fault. Anyway, it was a struggle to get some of the walls to go together. They are goint to have to be tightly clamped when I glue them for real. All in all, it's a great kit, but there are a few drawbacks. I did have to adjust the size of a couple of the tabs that were too long to fit in the matching slots. I think that it is going to look great when I finish. It's just the getting there that is the hard part.
I have to get back to work, but before I go, one last photo. Daniel is an inventor, writer and adventurer. He got bored and in his condition he can't go too far. He did manage to make it into the wilds of the workroom. He came back with this.

He has declared it unusable and ugly in it's present condition. He demands that I finish him and provide a tool kit. He wants to Steampunk the thing. Here we go again. How is it that I always seem to make friends with the unruley ones?
You may notice that he looks like I already slit his throat. I didn't. I was tempted after an hour with him, but I didn't. I made him so that his head can turn. It will be covered by his collar. It was an experiment that worked! I need to get him done fast and get him out of my hair!
See you later if I finish him. If not, I may lock him in a closet and wait for tomorrow to come.
Send him over to Tessie, she'll soon shut him up. LOL
He's going to be fantastic!
Can't wait to hear what you name the Glencroft. It's going to be a residence, yeh? Or will he have an automated boot re-soling service in the living room?
Yesterday I saw a movie with my son. Possibly the worst film I saw in ages: Hellboy.The film was pure rubbish but the steampunk decoration of the professr's office was great. If you had the guts for seeing at it you could judge for yourselves. I couldn't do it a second time! Mini hugs
Good luck on your Glencroft! I am slowly working on mine. Flooring and such is next on the list, which is holding me up.
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