We went to the gem show again today and when we returned I heard an awful ruckus. It seems that Tessie got impatient and decided to finish the roof by herself........The magic hammer got out of control and nailed her skirt to the roof. Being magic, she couldn't undo the nails and was stuck there until I came home. I was very tempted to leave her there to stew. I couldn't though. The whinging(one of my English friends taught me that word. It is ever-so-much better than just plain whining.) and wailing was too annoying to put up with more than a few minutes. I got her loose and returned the Magic Hammer to the Witches' Warehouse. If you look closely, you still won't see it. It is hidden behind the canned Witch's Brew by the front counter. She doesn't approve of the canned kind. Tessie makes her own. I figure that she would never look there.
Yes, I know that the warehouse is dusty. No. I am not going to dust it. The witches like it that way. They get really upset every time I threaten it with a cleaning. If you want neat and tidier photos go look at the old ones in the list to the left. The last time I threatened to clean, Esmirelda threatened right back with a vile curse!
I just noticed that the hat stand in the front window is empty.......I suspect that the pointy hat is somewhere in Tessie's stash. She tends to "borrow" rather than buy. I can only hope that Tessie actually paid for it and the cash in Esmirelda's hand is proof of purchase.
Anyway, I am kind of shortchanging you today. So I will send you off to see a couple other sites to keep you occupied. This first one is a printies and tutorial site that I sent a long time ago. I think that it needs repeating. http://minipitou.free.fr/ It's French, but easily navigated and understood. Just keep pushing buttons. You are sure to find something to your liking.
This second site is a company that builds bird houses. Yes. That's what I said. They have no business building houses this nice for birds. What bird needs a gorgeous half timber house(dollhouse sized) to cover with droppings? These are amazing! Some even have furnishings inside!http://www.ecmodelworks.com/ecm_035.htm Go see!
That should hold you for a while. See you tomorrow!
Thanks for sharing those links Casey.
Couldn't quite believe those Bird Houses. They are incredible. But I'd get the right hump if a bird crapped in it.. LOL
I am a new follower. My name is Eva I this comment comes from a city close to Barcelona in Spain.
This is the first time that I visit your blog and it is amazing. I need some time to explore all the post, but I have seen a lot beautiful and interesting things.
Here is so nice stories and pictures :) Best Wishes from Finland!
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