I needed a break from the arguing and haranguing this morning. Tessie was starting to irritate me. So before I wrung her tiny neck, I decided to head out for my favorite quilt shop for more fabric for minis.

This is not like going downtown to a cute little shop that teaches classes in quilt making. It is neither downtown or cute! Quilter's Desert Patch is out in the middle of nowhere. To give you some idea how far out it is......Look at the sign in this photo. In case you don't enlarge it, there is a cow in the top diamond and the bottom sign says "open range". Yup. Once in a while you do see cows wandering around on the side of the road. That's just how it is out here in the wild west.
Now, about the shop itself. I am not sure how many years it has been here. I have been heading out that way for a long time. I should ask someone when it first opened.

I told you it wasn't cute. It consists of a large double wide mobile home and one of those storage units(the blue thing to the right). Every time I go out to the store I am amazed at how much fabric can be crammed into a space that size. It's good fabric too. All the best in American quilting fabric and some imported stuff besides. I only go out there once or twice a year because it is about 22 miles away, over single lane roads. Anyway, I got there about 9:30 and stayed until 10:45. The store is like wandering through a rat's maze. That's not a bad thing though. I must have gone around the whole place at least 3 times and kept putting more bolts of fabric on the counter to be cut. If I let myself, I could get in serious trouble financially in that silly little shop.

That's why I limit myself to about twice a year.
This is still about minis. I am kind of circling around the subject. Here is Mookie inspecting what I purchased. He always has to approve of anything that I bring into the house, just in case there is something that he can confiscate to nap on. I think he approves. Most of it is for mini work. He is in for a rude awakening. He will soon get the proverbial rug pulled out from under him.

Mookie finally got to meet Tessie this morning. They seem to get along well. He helped her choose the fabric for curtains in the cottage. She picked the light puce with the stars for her bedroom. I think that the scale is a little off, but I didn't want to start an argument at the time. The green stuff on her lap has mini toasters in the print. That led to a discussion about electricity once again. I have one of the old toast racks that you sit on the range to toast bread. She will have to turn the toast over herself. That is a lot easier than installing electricity. She is just going to have to live with it. Anyway, she and Mookie agreed on the two fabrics.
She has gone off to choose some of the fabrics for new clothes.......Don't hold your breath, Tessie. We have to finish the house first!
See you tomorrow, hopefully with new windows and curtains.
What lovely fabrics you purchased today.
Nice to see that mookie is getting along with Tessie.
I like this kind of shop, it is like an adventure.
How cute is the fabric with the little toaster on it.
The toaster fabric is cute, but I'm still not electrifying the cottage! I save that for larger buildings.
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