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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Ruining A Perfectly Good Nap.

That was my mission in life today. At least that's what Mookie thought that I was doing.

As you can see, Mookie was not a happy camper. If looks could kill.......

By the way, the gremlins have now expanded their stomping grounds to the bedroom. Mookie tried to defend the place, but he kept falling asleep and the gremlins moved stuff in!

I couldn't help it. I wanted to watch Ninja Warrior while I worked. There's something about that show that is perfect for working on minis. Don't ask me what it is. All of the Japanese voices that are so excited about what is happening is kind of like having someone cheering on the mini making. I don't have to pay close attention. I look up when my favorites are competing. The rest of the time I just listen. No, I don't understand Japanese. There is an American translator that jumps in when something important is happening.

Anyway, here you see the sum total of today's work. I am filling one of the hutches with shirts. I made 22 shirts today. I think that's a pretty good total, what with cats and gremlins helping. I plan to put some collars and men's jewelry/pocket watches in here too. I started hanging ties on the mullions of the doors. I need to make more of those.

I may have to take the doors off of the hinges and open them wider so that the ties can be seen. I'm not sure about how I am going to place the hutches in the store tho. It may or may not be necessary.

Meanwhile, I think that Mookie has slept long enough now. Time to go annoy the cat. See you tomorrow.

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