Yesterday I started showing a friend some of my mini bead knitting.
Another sidetrack. I am a bead fanatic among other things. I thought you might like to see a few of the mini beading things I have done.

I am very lucky. Tucson hosts the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show every Jan/Feb. Along with that there are bead shows all over town for a few days. It is amazing. You can get just about any size/kind/color of bead that there is. I always head straight for the #14 and up. The larger the # the smaller the bead. Some vendors even carry the 0000 knitting needles and the thread!
These three bags were knitted on #0000 needles using #8 Perle cotton and #14 beads. The photo that you see is about actual size. I got the pattern from this site. They are supposed to be earrings but they make perfect 1" bags. They look complicated, but if you can string beads on the thread before hand and just knit and slip beads over between stitches, you can do it.
I have done other kinds of big bead work for years too.....No.
I am not getting off of the subject of miniatures.I am going to show you what can be done with the tiny beads. This necklace is made of an assortment of regular#14 to #18 and bugle beads(the long ones)in the same size. I strung them on #32 beading wire and the necklace actually has a hook and loop closing so that it can be worn by a mini lady. Again, the larger the number, the smaller the wire.

This one shows the same type of necklace. There is also a pair of pierced hook earrings that could actually be worn if the little lady had holes in her ears.
The fan below is simply a paper fan cut from a magazine and folded fan style.
The next one is a purse done in peyote stitch. Again, #14 beads. This time on Nymo beading thread. I made up the pattern as I went along.
That's my usual method of working in beads. I do some pattern drawing on big pieces but the minis just come out as I go.

The last one is done in round peyote or sometimes it is called rose stitch. It is kind of like building a mandala.
You start with 6 beads in a circle in the center and work out adding beads to alternate rows. The last two purses are smaller than the photos. The round one is about 5/8" across. The beads are really tiny. Less that the size of the head of a pin.

OK. I am running out of pretty pictures. I will be back tomorrow. Hopefully, I will have a front door to show you. See you then.
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