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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tales From the Crypt

OK. I'm stalling again. I didn't work on the Mystery House like I planned to today. So as a special treat you get to spend the day at Spike's place.

If any of you watched the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series when it was on you got acquainted with Spike. He was a vampire but he was kind of, sort of on Buffy's team some of the time.

Before he died in the Victorian age, he was an extremely bad poet and kind of a sissy. To make up for it when he became a vampire he went through stages and wound up a Billy Idol type. Black leather and bleached blond hair.

Now here is the crypt where he stays. Notice I was careful not to say he lives there......

I made the crypt because I was fascinated by the character.

I found a wood and wire birdcage that reminded me of his crypt. I filled in all of the sides and then marbleized the whole thing with acrylic paint. I didn't change the shape or the window and door placement. It came with the balcony on the front.

I used a framed bulletin board for the yard.

The two characters are Mac Farland action figures that were put out while the show was on. They just happened to be the right size for miniatures. I redressed Buffy in real leather. I textured Spike's coat to look like leather. Then I repainted both characters to look more like the real people. The detail on the dolls are amazing. The sculptor did it with computer measurements of the real people. If you blew them up to life size they would look just like Sarah Michelle Geller and James Marsters.

Bad Buffy! She sneaks up on him with a dagger. Silly Spike thinks he can win her over with a cookie.

Spikey always liked his beer and his cigarettes so of course there is a case of Corona on the bottom shelf of the bookcase and a carton of Marlborough's.

I made the wing chair and Jack Chasteen made the tavern table.

The rug is #22 cross stitch from an old Dover book. It is one of my favorites. I have made it 3 times in different colorways.

All of the weapons in the vase came with the people.

The little windup toy of death actually works. A friend sent it to me from England.

There isn't much more to say.In their off time the do scenes from Romeo and Juliet.
They have to do something fun when they aren't saving the world!
Back to the real world now. Tomorrow I will go back to work on the Mystery House or something else mini. No promises of what it will be.......See you then.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Well, I found the Spike crypt & have enjoyed the photos. Thanks for pointing my way to it. I am amazed just how real it all looks..but that's the point after all, isn't it, with minis??? :o)