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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

I Need A Long Vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Morning!

I have been waking up at three in the morning for the last year or two.  I start thinking at that time about what the blog is going to be about that day.

It doesn't make me happy or put me in a good mood for writing.

I have decided to take a LONG vacation!!!
The photos for today are just to give you something to look at.

I may do a bit of mini-ing here and there while I am vacating.  Probably not a lot.

I just need to relax and clean my real house for a change.

Tessie is not happy about it, but she is just going to have to live with it.

I am thinking that I will be back about the second of January 2019.

As you can see from the last photo, Tessie is not going to get her trailer anytime soon.  After the row yesterday about extra towers and birdcages, I threw in the towel!

She is off somewhere in a snit. Only Tessie can throw a snit like she can. Anybody else would look silly.

I for one am going to relax and enjoy cleaning my real house and my workroom in my time off.

I will check for comments or questions. I will try to answer anything that is there.

Back to work! See you January 2, 2019!!!!!


Gail said...

Will miss you! I love hearing about Tessie's antics!

Shayley said...

I have been following you everyday for years. You have put an amazing amount of work into this blog and I've enjoyed it all. Will miss you while you're gone.

Enjoy your vacation - it's well deserved!

Caseymini said...

I will keep checking comments and answering questions. If you have anything to say, Please say it! I will miss you all, and I WILL be back!!! January second. January first is Walter's birthday!

anisnofla said...

Me parece estupendo! Descansa mucho, y por aquí nos veremos en enero.

Unknown said...

Have a great vacation! ��

Jodi Hippler said...

Keeping up that daily posting schedule would keep me up at night too, Casey! I admire your commitment all these years, even through incredible challenges in your life! I'll miss peeking into your world every day, but I'm happy you're taking the pressure off yourself. Sleep better, and I'll be here and excited to see you again January 2nd!

Isabel Ruiz said...

Pues te echaremos de menos a ti y a Tessie. Espero que disfrutes, descanses y vuelvas con nuevos ánimos

Brandy Wilcoxen said...

Enjoy your time away!

meemaw said...

I surely can understand the need for a break. I will also miss your daily battles with a certain someone. I am maybe going to take you up on your offer to answer questions. You are truly a trove of mini-information, and I hope you spend your time feeding squirrels and having fun, especially that you do it in good health. That being said, Happy Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you! And Happy Birthday to Walter, hopefully we will be around to wish you a Happy Birthday in February, isn't it? And as always, Be Safe!

Shelleybweb said...

Enjoy your vacation! I have learned so much from your blog, thank you. I will miss reading about your daily struggle to live in harmony with Tessie. I'll also miss all the interesting things that go on with the people (mini, human, feathered, furred, and dragons) in your life. Have a wonderful time, see you in January.

Caseymini said...

Thanks gang for all of the well wishes! I am having fun so far. Do remember that you can always contact me by e mail too!

Troy said...

I dont always comment, but I do like to read your blog and keep up with your projects.
See you in a few!

Daydreamer said...

Have a Great break! One of the wonderful things about minis is that they will wait for you! And so will your loyal followers! :)

2minimom said...

We will miss your daily doses of joy as well as the trials and tribulations. Take care of yourself (and the minis) and we will see you soon!

Wendy Luane Barber said...

Oh my gosh! I completely understand about needing a break. I will miss your posts but maybe I can go back and start some of my own projects from your long list. Have a wonderful time and see you next year. Which really isn't that far away.

mini-art-deco-fan said...

Thank you for your posts which I enjoy. Hope you have a great break.
I just love the wicker chairs on the photo, did you make them?
take care.

Véronique said...

Enjoy your well deserved vacation. I will miss your daily posting but I will wait and see you in January. Have fun and go on adventures.

Brandy Wilcoxen said...

I take months off at a time so I understand. We'll be here when you get back.

Giac said...

Hello Casey,
I will miss you, but I wish you a wonderful vacation and I hope you catch up on rest.
Big hug

JDayMinis said...

Have a wonderful vacation Casey, it is always good to have a rest, you have done so much and given so much to the miniature community!!! I will miss you but understand completely. You don't want your love on minis controlling your life. Hugs Jean