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Wednesday, May 2, 2018

New Rules!

This morning Tessie got up. She made toast and coffee.  I could hear her banging around the cottage. 

I kept wondering what she was up to... After all, it was only 4:25AM. 

She usually sleeps until at least 8:00AM.

I immediately thought that she was up to no good...

As I approached the cottage, she disappeared.
I went searching for her and next I found her and Spike sitting on the top of her new dressing room...

She started with, "Why is my dressing room not finished? I ordered it a week ago and you have NOT been working on it for a couple of days now."

With that, she disappeared once again...
So I went looking again.  This time she was on the front porch of the potting shed.

She seemed to be inspecting the soon to be grapes.

This time, she started with, "This potting shed is a mess and you haven't done a thing to it for a couple of weeks now."

I couldn't argue with that. I have been trying to avoid it for at least that long. I have been working on my workroom.

Her parting shot was, "I am not a happy camper!"
I couldn't help it. I started laughing.... Not a good thing when Tessie is mad.

I came in here and started writing everything down that she was saying...

She's right.  I have been taking a vacation from working for her. 

She came in and heaved a heavy sigh and sat down on the tape dispenser. 

 Would you believe that I apologized? Actually I did.  She is right. I have been doing everything that I can to get out of working for her... It doesn't do any good.  She is very hard to live with when she is in one of these moods. And she is right. When I go off on my own, she just turns into an old grouch.  Tomorrow I am going to start doing things her way for a while.  We shall see if that makes a difference. 

It probably won't. She will probably just become more demanding.  You did notice that I just said "for a while".  Back to work on her dressing room. Bright and early tomorrow.  See you then.

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