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Saturday, February 10, 2018

One Watch Finished...

OK. I finished one watch band.  Nothing to write home about, but it's done.

Now I only have to finish seven more........

Nope. I need to do the pliers first.  I promised the Terrible Two that was next.

The Terrible Two have switched to "The Best of Queen". It's getting louder all the time.  I can actually hear what they are listening to on the headphones! If they keep it up, I am going to have to lock them in the workroom to listen.
I am trying to replace some of the plants that I lost in the last frost. I don't know if I told you, but I had most of my plants in pots on the porch table and covered.  I still lost some!

So now I am trying to fill a few of the empty pots.

It will take time. 

The only other plant I purchased was a strawberry plant to fill out the forth corner of the horse tank.

If all of this stuff grows, I am going to be up to my neck in berries of all kinds...

I can dream, can't I?

Back to beading. See you tomorrow.

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