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Thursday, May 18, 2017

We Are Re-roofed!

They are finished.  The last painting was done today.  After they were finished, Walter had to touch up a few spots on the under side of the porch roof.  Other than that, they did a good job. 

We spent a good amount of time carrying everything back to the porch. Walter got to do the heavy lifting and I did a lot of running back and forth with the small stuff.

And Tessie?  She posed for all of the photos after we were finished.  Good luck finding her.

She seemed to be amused with the process, so I just ignored her and took the photos.

I have a LOT of plants.  I don't realize it until we have to unload them and then load them back onto the porch.

I still have to rearrange the plant stands and then put in the pots. We got rid of the two big tables that I had a lot of the plants on.

Yesterday Walter spent a long time trying to get the tables apart. They were bolted together.  Not a fun job.
Anyway, now all I have to do is get everything in some semblance of order.

After this photo was taken, Tessie disappeared.
I looked all over and finally found her in the conservatory.

I asked what she was doing... Her answer?

"Well, if you want anything done right, you have to do it yourself.  I am just going to rearrange everything in here and finish it MYSELF! Now go away and leave me to my work!"

I didn't argue.  I wonder how soon she will get bored with finishing the conservatory by herself?

Personally, I doubt that it will last until tomorrow. We shall see...

See you then.

1 comment:

Giac said...

Hello Casey,
Yes, those are a lot of plants, but your garden is wonderful! I'm glad they did a good job on the roof.
Big hug