Tessie and Spike showed up after I had already started filling in the base for the rock work. I had sawn off the lip that stuck out from the wall and had the pieces of foam core in place...
As usual, those two are a day late and a dollar short, as they say... I wonder whom the people are that think up these sayings anyway....?
I had everything in place and they both started yelling and yelping at me. Tessie, "You just buried Monte!" She was talking about Monte Python. He's the snake that lives...Or did live until now, under Zar's Tudor Trailer.
I guess that he thought that a whole house to live under would be better than a small trailer...Why didn't someone tell me beforehand?
I dug out the center piece and the corner, so that Tessie and Spike could investigate.
They were right... Monte had moved. They caught me just in time. I was about to start the stonework.
Poor Monte. You see, he was mistaken for a python when I first got him for Tessie's rooftop garden on the town house. So he has always acted like a python. Every once in a while he wraps himself around some one's leg and tries to squeeze them with all his might...It doesn't work...
You see, he is a rattle snake. There are tiny rattles on the end of his tail...
He was quite young when we got him and named him Monte...He just took it for granted that he was a python....He has never, to my knowledge, tried to bite anybody....Other than the vermin that he devours when needed.
Tessie's leg is usually the one that he wraps himself around. He is very lazy, as snakes go, and he actually uses the python thing to hitch rides here and there. How do you think that he got to Daisy's Cottage? Yup. Tessie went by Zar's trailer this morning. He heard them talking about a possible new home and he took advantage. Anyway, the disaster was averted and now Daisy has a watch snake at her place. It's just a good thing that she likes snakes.
Yesterday I started another basket bottom...That's my excuse for not having the front of the house rocked.
This is as far as I got before the guilty conscience kicked in. I will get back to it after I get some more of the rocks put on the cottage. I have a feeling that I am going to have to make a trip to Joann's before it is over with. More Model Air...
Back to rocks and snakes...
See you tomorrow.
maybe monte can move to the terrerium and live with the skeleton...it's a desert scene he'll be right at home there
Marisa, Monte is afraid of George, the guy in the terrarium...He is a bit of a chicken as snakes go.... He likes the new digs.
Casey, I almost called you Tessie. I'm tired right now and when I'm tired, the smallest thing can crack me up. Well, I cracked up when I saw how you had positioned Spike so that he could sneak a look underneath the house. The things you come up with! Thanks for the giggle!
Just stopping in again to say I love your work! Such a detailed, delicate touch on each tiny object.
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