The leading part is easy, with golfer's lead weight, self stick tape. It is just very time consuming when you have to cut the narrow strips and then apply each one.
I did find out that all plastic packaging is not created equal.
I don't know if you can tell, but the glass on the left in the first photo turned matte and somewhat chalky when I applied the nail polish. I was using the same kind on all of the windows. Luckily, I had done both side windows for the front of the house with that particular piece of plastic. Unfortunately, I don't remember what kind of packaging it came from. I wish I did.
I have decided to leave them like that. More privacy at the front of the cottage.
My method for installing the windows is somewhat unconventional...Since it is such a small house, it is easily turned on it's side. Thus, no taping or weighting of the window frames.
Granted, it takes a little longer whilst they are drying, but I can glue one in and work on the windows for the next wall while I wait.
Here you see all of the windows installed. The ones in the center of the photo are the ones that turned into privacy glass. You can't really tell the difference at the angle that they are installed.
I also started installing baseboards...Most of them are behind Zar though.
I made them very plain. Almost all of them will be covered with other things when I am through.
Montage Supply sells all kinds of jewelry findings and I went wild. Some of it will be used for actual jewelry. Other pieces will be used for miniatures. The service is fast, friendly and helpful...Plus, they have all kinds of useful items at reasonable prices. This is not a paid ad. I just like them.
I love the copper and aged brass corner pieces on the right side. I think that they will be useful for fancying up furniture and window frames in miniature.
Tessie likes it all...And is insisting that, as usual, it is all hers. She allowed that she might let me have an octopus(center front). After all, who needs two?
Anyway, I should get back to work. I seem to be the only one in the mood to do anything to the cottage today.
See you tomorrow.
Casey the windows look fabulous. What a great technique. It really gives the cottage that lovely old cottage feel. It must have taken a bit of time to lay all that tape evenly.
I love those windows! What nifty finds. I'll have to go check out her page. Thanks to you, I've recently discovered all the spiffy things that I can use from the jewelry aisle. I even found a charm that's the perfect size to be a fancy silver ewer recently.
There is a tutorial elsewhere on the blog, telling how to do the leaded windows. It's under the label " windows" .
creo que las ventanas te han quedado muy bien y esas compras son increibles,en cuanto a Tessie,se olvidara de todo eso en cuanto encuentre algo nuevo ,seguro
I love those windows, stay beautiful!
Your windows look fabulous as always, Casey. I like the jewelry you have acquired and thank you so much for that link. I will be sure to explore it.
Your windows are amazing.
Greetings, Faby
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