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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Useless, But Fun!

This morning I was cleaning out the corner of the bedroom that I call the rat's nest.  I work there a lot of the time, because there is a big screen TV on the wall and I can do two things at once.

As usual, my "stream of consiousness" way of cleaning lead to other things.  I found a couple of watches that need new bands.  I moved all of the sock knitting stuff out of there, so that I wouldn't be tempted.

Then I cleaned off the top of the bedside table.

I always have a jar of tools, a frog full of scissors, toothpicks and glue right there and ready to be used as soon as the mood strikes.  The glue bottle is a small one that I fill, over and over.  Really ugly...

OK.  Just call me "Sidetracked Sadie".  I saw that old gold Aleene's Glue bottle setting there and I cracked.

I wondered why Aleene doesn't make pretty glue bottles?  Then I thought....It doesn't have to be all that ugly.

I know this is a waste of time, but it was fun.  I went and found some black and white fabric that would look good with all of the other black and white in the bedroom and went to work.
Tessie joined me and between the two of us, this is what it looked like when we were done.

I laid the bottle on the fabric and cut a piece that was about an inch longer than the bottle was tall and about 3/4" longer around.  I cut it so that the top to bottom edge was on the selvage edge. 

I was lucky.  This particular fabric was printed all the way to the edge, so I didn't have to turn it under.

I glued it around the bottle.  Then I clipped the bottom and the top edges and glued them to the bottle, trying not to overlap too much.  The top went all the way into the neck of the bottle.  The bottom covered only about 1/4 to 1/2" of the bottom.

I then cut a cardboard circle the size of the bottle bottom and covered it with fabric.  Tessie glued that to the bottom of the bottle.

I decided that the cap needed something too.  I cut a circle a bit larger than the top and cut a hole for the snout to fit through.  We slipped it over and glued it around the spout. Then I clipped the edges.  Tessie glued those down.  Then I cut another piece of selvage edge the height of the cap side and glued it around to cover the clipped pieces.

Amazing what a little glue and fabric will do!  Now I will hit it with a bit of clear varnish to protect it.

After seeing how nice that looked, I prettied up the jar with a couple of strips of fabric to match.  OK.  It's silly, but I like it.  It makes me smile.

No. It's not mini, but it is something that will put me in a good mood while I am working on minis.....If I could only get Tessie to stop asking, " Can you see me now?"  That happens every time she puts the tangled apron on...

See you tomorrow with other rediculous things to keep you busy.


Lucille said...

Thanks Casey for the ridiculous things! They're fun and I love them. Especially when Tessie is asking if you can see her. I'm sending her a big virtual hug for all the ridiculous, amusing things she does that make me laugh!

Phyllisa said...

Hi Casey. Now I MUST go decoupage

Sans! said...

Not ridiculous nor time wasting! very necessary if you ask me!

Kathi said...

If it makes you smile it is all worthwhile! :D Love this!