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Saturday, June 9, 2012

"Relax....You Can Glue It Back On...."

I went to work on the blackwork coverlet this morning...

I think that it is going to look great on the box bed in the Crooked Embroiderer's Cottage.

This is as far as I got, before Tessie wanted to try it on the bed.

That wouldn't be very easy, since I have the fabric on stretcher bars so that I can work with both hands.
I went in and got the blackwork box that has the same pattern on it. I simply glued it down at the corners and a small spot in the very center when I made it.  I expect it to outlast the box so I made it semi removable.  This is the full pattern.

See the above title?  Tessie was not around when I did this box.  She was still living in the glass cage.

She must have been watching when I did it, although I didn't notice it.

When she lived there, she was a bit disgruntled and didn't communicate much....I do think that she was taking notes for blackmail purposes and a little bit more.

I went to get more thread out of the bedroom and when I returned, I thought that a miracle had happened.  There was the coverlet on the bed...

Then it dawned on me that it wasn't the coverlet....It was the box lid decoration.

Tessie ripped it off(carefully, she tells me) and laid it over the bed.

I started fussing and fuming.  She went for the title...."Relax, you can glue it back on." 

After inspecting her handiwork, I saw that she was indeed careful and she was also right.

Too bad it isn't a little larger, It would save me a lot of work.  As it is, I will be gluing it back to the box and then I will get back to the coverlet for the bed.

But first, Tessie and I are going to have a little talk about touching other people's belongings.  I know.  It won't do a bit of good.  What's hers is hers and what everybody owns is hers too, if she wants it.

"Tessie, come her right this minute!  I want to talk to you.  NOW!"

You really don't want to hear this and  I don't expect to win...

See you tomorrow.


rosanna said...

Once a friend told me : " It's hard when kids know better that their Mums" I guess this can apply to Tess as well.
Love the black work, it will be perfect on the box. Minihugs, Rosanna

rosanna said...

PS I meant on the BED !

Minteriors said...

Stunning! I marvel with each and every intricate "work of art" you come up with, Casey. Amazing.

Jill said...

Your stitching is so beautiful! It's no wonder that Tessie couldn't keep her hands off it!

Fabiola said...

I love black embroidery. This is perfect on the bed.
Bye Faby

Natalia's Fine Needlework said...

Casey, the black work looks intricate! Mini hugs, Natalia

Inma Gomez said...

Un trabajo muy bueno el bordado en negro.

Troy said...

Wow, its beautiful. Great work!

Flor said...

Me fascina!!! Es muy hermoso!!
Un abrazo