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Monday, June 25, 2012

Necessary Roughness.....

The Terrible Two ganged up on me this morning.  The handed me the petition with several more signatures on it and announced that they were moving out if I didn't comply with their demands.

It seems that they want their(notice the "their") weaver's cottage finished.

I kept trying to explain that Nellie wanted her Crooked Cottage finished too....

It didnt't work.

Then I tried the "but she's mean" card....That didn't cut it either.

They announced that they would take care of Nellie if I would agree to get back to work on the weaver's workshop. 

That made me a bit nervous, but they also agreed to help get the two sections of the workshop fastened together...How could I not agree to do it?

As you can see, it all fits together nicely.  This was a good job to do on Monday.  I am multi-tasking and waiting for the glue to dry gives me time to do laundry and other housework between steps.

I glued and clamped the two sections together and Tessie and Zar helped put on the clamps and tape to hold it together.  So far...So good....

I am sure you are asking, "But what happened to Nellie?"......

She is now a prisoner in her own crooked house.  Tessie and Zar shoved the heavy oak table across the front door....Yes. It does open inwards, but....

They also bribed three dogs and a baby tiger to keep her from getting out. 

I do believe it is going to work... At least long enough for the glue to dry.  Then we may have to summon the jaguar and the Friskie, the alligator...That should hold her in for a while longer.

Then if that doesn't do the job, there is always Monte Python!  The snake, not the comedy show.

See you tomorrow.


Lucille said...

The "two" are working together it would seem and the "Diva" has been locked up. The dogs are on guard and work is progressing. A very fruitful day, I would say.

A. Wright said...

Casey, I meant to tell you a couple days ago about

Same idea as librivox, but you can choose to pay a small fee for higher quality audio and/or all the files in one zip. I think I paid about $6 for the Count of Monte Cristo, it was 59 files long and with that many hours I wanted good quality recordings.

Caseymini said...

A., If you go to the Internet Archive site from last week, there are a lot of different sites like that. It's kind of like the Ibooks, where you can either get them for free or if you want more, you can pay a little extra. I was surprised at how many there were. Really cool!

Rhissanna said...

I'd call their bluff on the 'moving out' threat. Seriously, where are they going to go? Make a little des res under the kitchen sink? Camp out in a birdhouse? I don't think you should crumble under their strong arm tactics. I have your back!

Caseymini said...

Rhissanna, I am not worried about the threat. They use it every once in a while when they want something. If they really wanted to move, they would be gone by now! Several people have offered to take Tessie in, over the past few years. She knows when she has a good thing going. She has a choice of houses and all the cookies she can eat. Oh, and someone else to do all the work.