Sneaky person that I am, I always save all of the scrap pieces of the punch out dollhouses until I am finished with the structure. See that piece leaning against the side? That is where that end of the building was.
Rather than do a lot of figuring of angles and using a lot of geometry, I simply laid that piece against a piece of foamcore, making sure that the edge of the side of the house was parallel to the edge of the foamcore. That gave me a straight vertical line at the end of the skylight. In other words, the front corner.
I will do the finished piece from luan door skin. More sturdy.
First I tried a straight forward skylight. It seems too low for me and besides, it modernizes the lines of the structure.
We almost lost Tessie. She insisted on trying the skylight mock up as a slide. She has a thing for slides. Remember the incedent with the staircase in the Clockwork Cottage, with the bathtub?
Zar had to pull her up to the peak of the roof, before she crashed and burned.
Then I tried putting a couple of window frames on the front to see how that would look, with the additional height.
No decisions so far. I really need to decide what time period is going to live here. Right now, I am leaning towards the dormer. More headroom. Less contemporary. That means more cutting.
Before I get back to work, I have something to show those of you that are interested in needlework.
I went over to April's this morning and she is doing some serious cleaning out.
She gave me the shirt off of my own back! I flashed on this a couple of weeks ago. It is a blouse that I made and embroidered about 30 years ago...She used to wear it sometimes. I have no hope of ever wearing it again....It seems to have shrunk...I know I didn't get any bigger....Hey! Even April can't get into it now....I know it's the shirt tha got smaller.
Anyway, this is for the naysayers that told me that the new fangled acrylic. washable, embroidery thread that Coats and Clark put out in the 80s wasn't any good. They said use wool and have it dry cleaned....I didn't listen. I like to try new things. I bought a whole bunch of the stuff. As I was buying it, I guess that nobody else was. The price kept dropping and I think that some of the skeins were only ten cents a piece.
Let's put it this way. The colors are just as nice as they were when they were new. The texture of the thread is still beautiful....No matting or fuzzing.
I have crewel pieces done with wool, in that same time frame, that look like the cat slept on them and had a bad night.
Don't tell anybody. I still have a stash somewhere of this great yarn....I may just have to find them and make another blouse. One that fits me or April.
I can't do that yet though. I need to play with my dormer/skylight.
See you tomorrow.
I'm pretty sure I owned that blouse when I was 17. Guess that dates me.
Tessie is surely mischievous!
Jennifer the first
Jennifer, you may have had one of similar design in style. It was a pretty popular blouse style in the early 80s,but that is a one of a kind. I made the blouse from a commercial pattern.
I still have the original drawing for the embroidery work in one of my sketchbooks. It's all done by hand. One stitch at a time.
I just googled luan doorskin because I did not know what it was. And, this is funny, Caseys Minis was the first site on the top. Anyways, it's a good way to measure, what you did. I would never have thought of that. Brilliant! Your blouse is like a peasant blouse. Right? I love that style and the embroidery you did on it is so beautiful. Another of your talent, Casey!
Tessie should definately keep of the roof, she's not catwoman! Her legs are too short ;)
You certainly got the last laugh with the embroidery thread, pity the shirt seems to have shrunk somewhat - I wouldn't have any hope whatsoever of getting into anything I wore 30 years ago either!
Lucille, just in case you didn't find an answer, it's a kind of plywood that they use for hollow core doors. It is also what they use for Greenleaf and other diecut dollhouses. It is about 1/8" thick and comes in large sheets. I have them cut in half at Home Depot, so ican get them in my car. They are made of Luan Mahogany, thus the name. You should have a saw to cut it. It can be cut with a utility knife, but I am not a fan of that method. It's pretty tough.
Just how small is your shirt? I seem to have shunk to a size that I was when I was able 12 years old!
What with my surgery and recent illness I now weigh 100 lbs. If the shirt fits I would LOVE to buy it from you! :D The embroidery is beautiful!
Love your dormer idea. My garage dormer was not so simple. Wish I had your ingenuity!
Sorry Kathi, the shirt isn't for sale! I can't tell you how many hours I worked on that. It will stay in the family. April will take it back eventually. Maybe she will have a daughter to give it to later....
Hi Casey,
I think the skylight and dormers both look very good. I think it's fun to see people transform a kit into something personal. I am very impressed by your needlework.
Welkl done.
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