I was sorting through things this morning and found a piece of waste canvas that people use to do cross stitch on non cross stitch fabric.
I flashed on the baskets that I do with Penelope needlepoint canvas.
Then I flashed on an old needlework book that I have that has darning stitches in it. And the answer to your next question...Yes. I have been known to darn socks. Only my own hand knitted ones.
This is a page from the book. So called darning stitches are simply running stitches, done in a pattern. They can get pretty fancy if need be.
As I said, I have used them on baskets, but I don't like to use Penelope canvas for rugs. It's too thick.
When I found the waste canvas, I found the solution.
Oh! In case you are interested in the book, it is "The Complete DMC Encyclopedia of Needlework" by Therese de Dillmont, in it's present life. In it's former life, the copy that I have from the late 1880s is just called the "Encyclopedia of Needlework". Mine is not a first edition. It was first published in the 1870s. DMC Thread Co. first started business in 1746. That's a long time to keep people in stitches.....OK...You can stop groaning now.
As you can see here. The other canvas is much too stiff for rugs. Good for baskets though.
I cut off a piece of the waste canvas. It was too white. I took a beige sharpie, because I was too lazy to make tea for tea dying, and dirtied the canvas . I didn't want the white to stand out.
I then threaded a small tapestry needle with three strands of embroidery floss and started stitching. I went under the first thread of every other pair of threads.
On the second row, I did the same thing, but on the pairs in between the first course. That gave me an alternating stitch. After you have done some it looks like a loom woven rug.
You can pick the waste canvas up at most stores that carry cross stitch supplies and the plain old six strand embroidery floss too.
I am going to have to experiment with some of the patterns. This type of stitchery can be done on any even weave fabric. After all, it was first used to repair rips in clothing and other material.
Anyway, I thought that this might be a fast way of doing some "weaving" for the workshop.
I am still researching the skylight. I found that they go back to the Georgian period. That could be anywhere from 1714 onward....They didn't specify which George.... I, II, or III. I do remember being in Sir John Soane's home(early 1800s) in London and that has a wonderful skylight in the third floor that gives light even to the basement level, where the crypt with the sarcophagus is located....But that's another story. If you get a chance wander over to the website and visit. It is most fascinating. In case you can't tell, it is my favorite place in London. http://www.soane.org/history
Back to the darned weaving!
See you tomorrow.
Hey! I have some of this canvas! Mine is getting a bit stained too. Love your idea of making a rug with it!
So many ideas, so little time! :D
I agree with Kathi! So little time! But the two of you sure pack in a lot of activity with the time you do have! Nice idea to make rugs out of that canvas! Another winner, Casey!
Beautiful idea to make rugs with this canvas. I like the baskets.
Bye Faby
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