I am trying to use part of each day to do some of the things that have to be done outside.
Then, after I do some of that, I don't feel so guilty about sitting down and weaving wicker.
I at least have the back patio back to where it is livable....As soon as I make a new cushion and pillows for the porch swing, I will be able to sit out there and weave. The temperature right now is 82 degrees. Nice weather for swinging and weaving at the same time.
I replaced most all of the potted plants. There were only three or four that survived. It will take years for them to get as big as their dead relatives.
OK. Second on the list was Claudia's chair. I have the bottom done, with the exception of the trim and wrapping the legs. Zar claims that this one is his project...
Tessie is heading up the team for Sabiha's bassinet. At least that is what she wants everyone to believe.
Gee....It sure is nice to sit back and watch....
Tessie's brown chair, from her cottage is coming in handy for break time. The trouble is, the two of them spend more time arguing who's turn it is to sit in the chair....Not who's turn it is to weave wicker. Industrious, they aren't. Don't listen to a word that they say.
I am now on my way to toss a coin. Heads, I go do more yard work. Tails, I weave more wicker.....If it lands on the edge, I get to go play with the tiny house kit....I know that chances for the last are slim to none, but I am putting it in just in case.
Tessie just grabbed the coin and ran. Now I have to go look for another coin....
See you tomorrow.
You have a beautiful yard and I love the 82 degrees. Here it's only -4 with the wind chill but we had a huge snow storm that lasted all night and a part of the morning. It's a real wintery landscape out there. Why don't you work on the little house for an hour just to satisfy your craving!
If it were 82 degrees here I am afraid to say that outdoors would win over weaving. Lucky for Claudia and Sabiha that I am not you Casey! Whatever is Tessie going to do with that coin??
I will work on the weaving. I will work on the weaving....I will work on the weaving....
I hope the coin landed on the edge! I'm jealous of the nice temperatures
What a comfy little patio! 82 degrees? (I'm going to sound like Tessie now) THAT IS NOT FAIR! :(
Could you please box up some of that warm weather and ship it to me, Casey? BTW that's quite an idyllic scene there, with Tessie at the bassinet, and Zar in the chair. One would almost think that all was peaceful..well, for a few seconds, at least ;)
Don't forget to give yourself a treat after working so hard, k?
I am completely empathetic to your garden plight! Here in FL we were hit with unseasonably cold weather too which killed back plants and palms trying to recover from last year's freezes! I guess we'll just have to pretend that all of our new plants are miniature on purpose :)
I wonder if it will work if you told Tessie that I am very honored that she did a part of the weaving on my bassinet...I hope it gives her some inspiration to do some more weaving and give you some more time to do other fun things?
I can't wait to see that chair! Thank Zar for supervising the project, won't you?
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