this won't be too long, because i am having to do it by pogo stick, in a great hurry. my feet hurt from all of the jumping up and down. i am not bothering with caps. it is too hard to keep jumping back over there and changing things.
please don't rat me out. i am sending secret photos of the wicker. casey won't look back at this for a day or two. by then the furniture will be almost to where it's going and she can't do anything about it.
here's the finished chair. i really hate seeing this go. it is very comfortable. i am going to have to see about getting one of these for myself. claudia, maybe you can have this one.....maybe.
here's the bassinet. sabiha, you can have this with no reservations. there are no babies around here, so it's not needed.
oh...i hear casey coming. i had better zap my way out of here now. bye. have a good day.
OK. I saw that! The pogo stick person just zapped around the corner! Don't tell her I know. I will let it pass. I need the time to finish the bassinet and get it in the mail.
I am going to have to put a very complicated password on this computer! She is getting to good at jumping up and down on the keyboard.
I need to go back to work now. I will finish and send today!!! Real life keeps creeping in...Now about that password.....
See you tomorrow.
Thank you Tessie for the sneak peek they look wonderful
Thank you, Tessie! I promise not to tell Casey. The chair is beautiful!!
OMG... Ya'll are too much... Tessie! Where ever did you find a pogo stick? Good thing you can type fast!!! Will you do me a favor and tell Casey I got ya'lls package today!! I just got done blogging and included pics:) Thanks!!
Katie, I got the pogo stick at Walmart in the toy dept. about two years ago. I don't think that they have them anymore. Sorry.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! So that's how she types! Now I can die happy...I've truly seen EVERYTHING!
Casey, the wicker furniture is lovely! And just think...Tessie was kind enough to loan out her bottom to break in that little wicker chair! It should feel just right to the new owner's dolls!
oh thank you Tessie I was wondering aboput how they turned out I really knew they would be great!!!!
Pogo stick indeed! where on earth did that come from?
Be careful girl, remember the broken foot!!!
That pogo stick is fantastic...seems you can find nice things at Walmart..we don't have stores like Walmart here...I think in my case for the better!
Both, Chair and bassinet are looking beautiful...can't hardley wait, but I will wait with patience!
The chair and bassinet are gorgeous! Sneaky Tessie- what if the password was "work"? She would never guess that one!
This blog is just a treasure, delicious!congratulations and kisses from Portugal :)
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