I made her a new blouse, as well as a new apron. She did agree to keep the skirt. She opted for "something springy". Her words, not mine.
She found an old string of beads that I made years ago and insisted on wearing those.
Surprisingly enough, as soon as she got up this morning, she was in a better mood and immediately started helping with the bed work. Kathi asked about the ribbon trim on the bed skirt. As I said before, I did put it on with glue. However, I didn't tell you about this handy little gadget.
I always have a couple of these Monoject 412 syringes filled with Aleene's Fast Grab. They are wonderful for putting a thin line of glue where you want it.
I got mine at various mini shows. I would imagine that you could buy then somewhere on line. I have never tried. They last a long time.
You need to keep a stainless steel pin in the tip when not in use. I have been known to forget to put the pin back. The tip gets clogged.
Sometimes, if it hasn't been too long, you can simply pull the dried glue out through the tip.
If you get one, only fill it half full.... You have to fill it more often, but it saves time and a lot of fighting with the plunger. And I always clean them out between fillings.
Simply rinse with hot water and if there is any glue stuck in the tip a small crochet hook or some other pointy object will unplug the point. OK. Enough about glue syringes. In case you can't tell, it's one of my favorite tools.
Back to the subject at hand....The bed. I finished putting a second coat of black on it this morning. It is drying now, as are the pleated bed skirt pieces. The bed skirt pieces have been sprayed thrice( Love that word) and are now drying. As soon as they are totally dry, I will cut and glue them to the sides of the bed.
Tentatively, the black patterned material to the left of the photo is what Tessie has chosen for the quilt. It's a little dark, but we have plans....
Tomorrow I will show you different methods of attaching the bed skirt. Then we will proceed to the quilt and pillows.
Last but not least, by Thursday, we should be to the bed hangings or curtains. Whatever you call them, I will show you those and the top treatment.
By Friday we should have a finished bed....That is only if Tessie doesn't decide that she needs more new clothes......
By Friday we should have a finished bed....That is only if Tessie doesn't decide that she needs more new clothes......
See you tomorrow.
I am looking forward the new tips.Tell Tessie that she is very pretty in her new outfit. Minihugs Rosanna
Tessie Looks very smart in her new outfit and the bed is coming along well too. Looking forward to tomorrows installment.
Why Tessie, you look so lovely! Right in step with Spring! Don't forget to thank Casey for her efforts!
Casey, thanks again for the bed tut. It's arrived just in time for me. I love your blog, heehee!
Do you think if I offered to be a slave for a day that Tessie would let me have some of her cast off clothes? Plus the spell to make them fit me of course! She is the best dressed witch I've ever heard of. I love her outfit changes :)
Thanks for the bed tut, Casie. Tell Tessie she looks very pretty and that I love her beads.
Susan, you wouldn't want her cast off clothes. she practically shreds them because she can't get them off fast enough. She usually throws them out. After all, she wears them every day for weeks on end. Can you blame her? LOL
Hey Casey I get those syringes at my vet's office. They're used for force feeding sick rabbits, among other things. Uber cheap too. I'd ask your vet if you can by some off of them cheaper than at shows.
Tessie! Don't you let that mean ole Casey put all the blame on you for things not getting done, lol, we all know how quickly she gets sidetracted!! And I can't believe you ruined my favorite dress... it's ashame that a pillow or something couldn't be made out of it:D Now tell Casey to get back to work, Haha!
Oh, Casey! I found my set of ZIG pens... now I just need to make sure they still work, I've had them a long, long time....
That is just too funny! I saw this post earlier today and it just made me chuckle. :)
I'm beginning to think that Tessie always gets her way. ;)
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