It is official. Tessie is the best! As usual, I do the typing and Tessie gets the credit. If you would like to read about the results, go here.

Thank you Miniatures and thank you to the people that nominated the blog. And thank you, most of all, to the people that hung in there and voted for Tessie and me every day. It has been fun.
This is the old Tessie. See....There really isn't a difference. I still think that it's the new hairdo that makes her look different. The old hair was frizzy and fried. Oh and the deep breathing exercises help too.....
Thanks again. See you later with a regular entry.
I am so happy for you! Your blog IS the best!
Love Tessie's new look and her new dress!
It's time for a party, don't you think? :D
CONGRATULATIONS TESSIE! (and well done you too, Casey. :-D)Excellent result.
Congrats Tessie!!
¡¡¡Enhorabuena Tessie!!! Un besazo enorme!!
Well done Casey, it is well deserved. I enjoy reading about your and Tessie's day.
Congratulations to both of you! Connie
Congratulations to you and Tessie both!!
Concratulations it is well deserved
Congratulations Casey and of course to Tessie too... the mind boggles as to how Tessie is going to react to this well deserved accolade!!! LOL
Congratulations, Casey! I am so very happy for you and Tessie!
CONGRATULATIONS Tessie and you too Casey for typing all the words. You both Rock! I'm so glad you won! Carolyn
Congratulations! I would say that you deserve all of the credit... but Tessie may not like that!
YEAY!!!!!!! So Happy for you!
Congratulations. Your blog is certainly worthy of that honour. (Tessie may have had a bit of witches intuition that would be the case.) I too am a regular follower and I love your blog. The best blog won and that is how it should be.
Congratulations to you and Tessie, so well deserved! *Jean
Congratulations, Casey! Well deserved, I look forward to reading about Tessie's adventures every day! :)
- Grace
CONGRATULATIONS! I knew you'd win!
Congratualtions to you and Tessie.
This is one of my fav blogs.
Yay, you won!! Congratulations to you and especially Tessie who held up that sign every time you went near the computer!! =)You are both well loved.
Theresa in TX
CONGRATULATIONS TESSIE AND CASEY FOR WINNING BEST BLOG! It is well deserved. I follow it every day and
love it.
Congratulations to the both of you! =)
Well done and congratulations - the award is well deserved.
Congratulations Tessie (& Casey too ofcourse). I love reading your daily adventures. A big hooray for you!!!
WOOT! You won hands down, Casey and Tessie!!CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have the best miniblog EVER!
May you write many, many more entries in your wonderful blog!
Congratulations Tessie . . . and to Casey too of course. No blog is more deserving.
Congratulations Casey
What a wonderful award well deserved
Luv your blog and watch carefully each day to see what your all up to
Oh that would be right Tessie taking all the acolades well we know who it is shhhhhhh wont tell her
Keep on keeping on Casey we love what you do
Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you both! Casey, I am so glad you do such a good job with the typewriter "thingy." Just love you both and can't wait to see what you are up to daily.
Congratulations Casey & Tessie!! You both must be very proud & excited!!
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