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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Beam Me Up Scottie.

Oh OK. I can hear you groaning from here. Cut that out! Sorry about the title. Couldn't resist.
I am getting there slowly but surely. Reality bites! We are getting the outside of the big house painted tomorrow and Friday. I had to prep the back patio. That meant moving lots and lots of plants.

I did get the beams in and started fooling around with the furniture a little. Sneak preview.
The left side of the kitchen has a couple of shelves so far. The red shelf with the pegs at the bottom is one that I designed for the NAME Millennium House party handbook. If you want to make one the directions are in there. I did several pieces for that. It was called a "Millennium Corner Box". There are directions for this shelf, a chair, a rug and the corner box itself in the book.
The shelf over the fireplace is a simple 4 board shelf. I made it this morning in about 20 minutes, staining and all. Very easy.
Next is the right side. On this side, there is a child's chair by Warren Dick. The bench has initials on the bottom but I don't remember the person's name. I do wish that people would sign things with their whole name and date them too.
The little hutch is one that I designed and made from a real piece. I need to paint the handle on the drawer. It needs to be wrought iron instead of brass.
The rug is done on 40 mesh silk gauze. It is from Frank M. Cooper's book "Oriental Carpets in Miniature. Would you believe that that little tiny carpet has 14,415 stitches in it? It really does! His carpet designs are amazing.
I have a prep table that still has to be finished. I guess I am going to have to get the poly clay out and do food. Kitchens have to have food....Darn!
I love to make mini food. I just don't like having to drag the pasta machine out and keeping the cats out of the Premo. It's such a lot of stuff just to make a tiny amount of food.
Here's a view of the whole room so far. There's proof that I did the beams.
I should be able to finish tomorrow. I will ignore the painters outside and get to work.
Beam me back down Scottie. Back to reality for today.
See you tomorrow.


Katie said...

YEA!! The beams make the kitchen!! And 14,000 stiches is A LOT of stitches.....the things us artists will

....and cat hair....LMAO~ I have it in everything~ no need for a signature- it's the cat lady....hehehe

Goeers said...

The chair and settee look like Bill Clinger's work. He uses initials, I think WSC. I love your kitchen! This is a project I have been thinking about for years! Love the Jim Ison tools.