Sunday, June 29, 2014

One good Photo....

And three not so good.  The last three are photos of photos...

The first photo is proof that I have been working!  This is all that is left in the laundry basket. We won't talk about the rest of the room.  No... I didn't pile the rest of the contents of the basket on the floor.  Honest.  I am putting stuff away, where it belongs.

I ran across some photos of earlier minis and thought that they might keep you entertained for a bit.

I actually found one photo of the first dollhouse that I ever built.  This is from it's second life though.  I built it for April's fifth Christmas.  After a few years, she gave it back to me.  She went onto other things and I kept building.

I turned her house into a country place... What can I say?  That was the style at that time. Someone was walking around in the bedroom and disturbed the dust on the floor.  This was the early eighties.  You have seen the bed before.  It was my first attempt to copy a real bed...Not terrible...Not great. The chair is Chrysnbon. The trunk, I made from scratch.  The embroidery table was made by a friend.

I have talked about the two Ballhagen boxes that I kept extra minis in, until they found a permanent home.  this is one of them.  All of the pieces are now elsewhere.  Mostly Chrysnbon.  One of my wicker planters and my very first bunka rug.

I need to fill this one up again... Only to empty it, piece, by piece later

I couldn't resist showing you my first Harrison.  It was a trade with a friend.  I had an Early American house and she had this Victorian.  Neither of us liked the houses that we had.

The only problem with this one is, it was a shop model from Michael's or some other craft store and the idiots in charge put it together with a glue gun.  I had to take it apart and start over....Not a fun project. 

This photo was taken about the time that we moved from our old house to this one. 

I got much further than this before I just got tired of working on it... I gave it away...

I now have another Harrison kit under my bed.  I know how much work they are... I keep putting off starting it.  Space wise, it's a monster!  Work wise, even more of a monster.  I added a kitchen wing to the first one and I would do that again.  The rooms just aren't enough.

Anyway, I hope that will keep you busy until tomorrow, when I go back to doing minis. 

Back to the workroom/dungeon.

See you tomorrow.


  1. Hey Casey, I luv your recent posts. It must be fun going through all your stuff and finding these little "forgotten" treasures. Oh and the glue gun horror well I put my first kit together with a glue gun... it was once and never again. When you want to change something you"ll rip the whole kit apart :(
    Goodluck in the Dungeon ;p
    Hug AM

  2. Casey, I think you will find this funny. When your blog came on, I thought the first pic was a salad in a bowl! LOL! Yes, really! I think I'm just going out of my mind. The heat and the humidity is unbearable here and it will get worse in the next few days.

  3. Lucille, may I recommend hiring a good food taster?LOL

    I wouldn't try eating the contents of that laundry basket! Not at all healthy eating!

  4. Hi Casey! I remember the country craze and your little projects are all lovely! it is funny that you had a Harrison and then you gave it away and now have another Harrison. I know that I have been guilty of doing this very thing and I wonder just how many others have been too?

  5. Elizabeth, I like the Harrison. I just hate dealing with what someone else did to a nice house and having to start from scratch, correcting things as I go.
