Saturday, June 28, 2014

Weekend Warrior...

I have decided that I am GOING to finish the workroom only if I set aside some time to do it.  The weekends are going to be my target until it is spectacularly clean....Probably sometime in June of 2023.

Yesterday I made a run to Joanne's for paint and glue.  I was out of my favorite colors, black and Fast Grab.

I had a 20% coupon and used it well.  Mostly all staples that I use regularly.  I did cheat a little.  They had some of the printed gift boxes and this one was only 2.99 to begin with.  This is what I used to make the shower tower on Zar's Tudor Trailer.  They work great.  They cut with an Exacto and take paint. egg cartons and spackle nicely.
Now about the workroom... This is what it looked like this morning after about an hour.  I had to drag some things around to make working in there a possibility.  Then I got the three top drawers on the right covered...Only 11 to go.
 I can now say that I have ALL of the drawers covered... Now what am I going to do with those ugly plastic boxes on top?  They are going to have to go somewhere else.

I showed the Witches the closet Wednesday, when they were here. 

They were impressed.  They have seen it at it's worst.

Now all I have to do is the labeling and I will be finished with that section of the room... I still have a day and a half of weekend to sort and toss.

I tried the tuffets in the dining area.  They will fit just right.  I am going to have to do some kind of table that has the sides open, so that the tuffets can be partially pushed beneath it. Otherwise, there isn't much room to walk around the table...

Anyway....There is still weekend left.  I am going back to work now...Please notice that Tessie is nowhere to be seen.  She heard me making plans for the workroom and disappeared in a cloud of smoke... And it wasn't coming from Gordon Dragon. 

See you tomorrow.


  1. Everything is looking pretty good, Casey! I see Spike has made himself comfortable and is keeping Zar company! That's my Spike! Big hug to Spike!

  2. Go Casey, go!
    It is looking wonderful...I wish that were my workroom!
    Big hug,
