Monday, June 30, 2014

Now for the Fine Tuning....

Moving right along... OK... I filled up the basket again, but this time it is the last of the stuff off of the floor!
That is ALL that I still have to put in a proper place!
After I finish that basket, I am going to start going through everything and tossing stuff that I know I will never, ever use. The drawers are all labeled and ready to go.
Right now, each category is not quite together.  I have to go three different places to find what I need for a single project.
Keep your fingers crossed for me.  I feel like I am going to finish it this time around. 
I think that I am going to paint the "blond" book case at the left, black to go with everything else.
Let the sorting begin.  I probably won't get a lot done today though. 

April and Amare are coming over.  That puts a halt to minis every time.  I am not complaining.  Amare is more fun. 
Now. About those baby plants.  They are still having a great time on the kitchen window sill.
I did notice that the back baby needs his feet tucked in.  They are nice and healthy. 
The front left one has a couple of tiny leaves forming in the center...That means that pretty soon he will start growing for real. 
We shall see how long it takes before they need to be put in real pots.  So far.  So good. The great mini plant experiment continues...
See you tomorrow.


  1. Great work. Enjoy your new organized sytem. May it stay this way:))) (mine never do..)

  2. Well done on getting your room organised. I must look at the different succulents we have in NZ and see if I can find some 'babies'. It would be great to have real plants in mini houses.

  3. It will make your mini work so much easier when you're finished! It's hard stuff though what you're doing! I don't think there's anything that I hate more. I'm still organizing over here also. It's going slowly though because of the heat!
