Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Not Today...

I have decided that every day is not going to work anymore.

I am thinking that once a week is more like it. I am already losing sleep.  I wake up about three in the morning and start trying to think of things to write about.

I will try for Friday this week.  Maybe by then I can think of something to write about.  I went to Wednesday Witches today and they told me that I should just do an entry when I feel like it.  I am tending to agree with them.  I will see you again on Friday.  Maybe by then I will have something to say...

See you then.


  1. Good for you Casey, while I love your daily blog, I can understand that it might get a bit demanding at times, and not fun for you anymore. You do what's best for you.

  2. Good for you Casey, while I love your daily blog, I can understand that it might get a bit demanding at times, and not fun for you anymore. You do what's best for you.

  3. Hey writing everyday is a huge amount of pressure. And this is supposed to be fun right? So have fun and enjoy mini-ing and your other pastimes and fill us in when you get the time.

  4. Yo también creo que no debes imponer nada como una obligación. Debes hacer las entradas cuando te apetece, sin más.
