Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Cleanest House On The Block

Walter did most of the planting. I just held Oscar upright.  I decided to name the new saguaro Oscar because he is green, prickly and a grouch. 

The photo was taken from our driveway.  He is planted next to the driveway so that we can see him as we go in and out and other people can see him as they go by.

This little guy was trying to grow under the prickly pear.  He was struggling.  I got him out of there and put him in the back yard.

I don't think that he is a saguaro.  Maybe a barrel.  I am just going to have to wait and see how he grows.

Evidently a seed from somewhere in the neighborhood landed under the prickly pear and was caught.  I can't wait to see how he turns out. If he is a saguaro, it will take him about 20 years to get to the size of Oscar!  The saguaros only grow an inch or an inch and a half per year!
I went and inspected Zar's trailer this morning... He is way ahead of Tessie in the cleaning department!  If I go by who is the best cleaner, he beats ALL of the witches! 

He is going to get his He Shed finished before I do Tessie's She Shed.

I am going back to work now.

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I like Oscar. Wish I could grow one here but it is still too cold where I live.
    I think I missed the finished trailer before. It looks awesome! I love the little tower and the little "tent" on the roof (can't find the word in the right language, only in French: baldaquin).
