Monday, January 28, 2019

Moving Right Along.....

I spent the morning in the bedroom and cleaned up the mess that you see here....

Then we went to a movie.  Big mistake! "The Favourite".  The costuming was all mixed up, the story was lame, and the background music was annoying... That's all I am going to say.  Some people evidently like it.  It is up for some awards.  I can't think of anything I would nominate it for.  Maybe for most annoying movie I have seen in a long time. 

Anyway, I think that I should have stayed home and cleaned up the rest of this table and more of the workroom...

 As you can see, I should have stayed home!

I could have had some of this cleaned up!
And some of this too!  Tessie didn't help at all whilst I was gone...
She and her pet snake stayed in bed until we got back...

This is the FIRST bed that I ever made in mini.  It is a copy of an early American rope bed.  See the ropes going in and out of the holes in the side? That's what held up the mattress in the old beds. 

Tessie seems to like it.  I am not going to argue with her.  Especially when she sleeps with the snake. My motto is never argue with "Monte Python".

Back to work. See You Tomorrow!

See You Tomorrow!


  1. Hello Casey,
    I have not seen the Favorite, but just having read the storyline I had no interest...thank you for confirming what I thought. I hope the next movie will be a good one.
    Big hug

  2. I am going to take your critique of he Movie to heart Casey, especially since you've preferred cleaning a workroom as the more enjoyable pastime!
    And Tessie looks very comfortable upon the well made rope bed with Monty Python -a great name should he ever decide to go into show biz! ;D
