Sunday, January 27, 2019

Cheating Just a Little...

I am doing just a few other things today... This sock has to be knitted to the end of the ruler and then I have to knit another one just like it. Seth's brother came back to Arizona for Christmas this year.  He is living in Michigan right now. Not a nice thing to do to an Arizonan!

Anyway, I waited to do his Christmas socks until I could measure his feet.  He and Seth are about the same. Eleven inches long!!! This could take another week or two, but I am determined. Then I will have to start on socks for everybody for next year...  I see a lot of socks in my future.  I want a few for myself too!

I also did a bit of planting this morning.  Actually, I planted this one a few days ago.  I am working on getting some roses back in the yard.  When we first moved here I had four rose bushes and lots of flowers.  Over the years they faded away.  I am starting over.
I also found this one at Walmart this AM. I think that a lot of you have been around long enough to know that I am fascinated with Euphorbias. Unfortunately, the pot that it came in just said Euphorbias/Assorted... I am going to have to see if I can find a photo on line to see if I can identify it.(more time spent out of the workroom!) Nope. I am not going to look for it now.  I am going back in the workroom and start sorting again!

Tessie is following me around with a whip and a chair.  Help! I am being harassed!

Back to work now.  See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Your assorted Euphorbias look like a sleeping dragon to me.
