Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday Witches...

 I am cleaning kitchen cupboards today, so I decided to let some of my witchy friends entertain you.

These are some of my witches that reside in the Mini Time Machine Museum.

The first one is a cousin of Tessie's.  Don't mention her name around Tessie.  She is very jealous.  This one was in Nutshell News, way back when she first started riding around on her pink bike.  She is a biker witch in all ways.

You can't see it, but she even has a black widow spider tattooed on her right hand.  Scary chick!

This one resides in one of the upstairs bedrooms of Pat's Witches Mansion... She holds a bottle of beauty potion in one hand and a magic mirror in the other.  Obviously, she needs the magic mirror, complete with a beautiful face....Because the expiration date on the potion passed a couple of decades ago...

There are lots of witches and other strange characters living there.

Some of them aren't too smart.  Some are forgetful. Thus the sign.  The bookcase actually lifts up when you pull on a rope that is behind the witch.
This is one of the out buildings on the grounds of them mansion.  It used to be a dance and exercise studio.  It is now a Decorator's shop.  The owner is the Beast from the old TV show, Beauty and the Beast.

The lady that is waiting has a spider web attached to the brim of her hat and it hooks over her nose to hold it on.  Very practical. A spider hangs down in front of her eyes.

This is a direct copy of one of  Malcolm Byrd's witches, from the "Witches Handbook".  Real book.  Very funny.
This is the lady downstairs.  She used to run the dance studio...Thus the workout clothes.

She is also from the "Witches Handbook".

At one point, the Wednesday Witches decided that we needed the book and every one of us ordered it.  There is a lot of handy information in there.  Spells for every purpose. Design ideas for your home... Even recipes.
This is where they all live.  I am not sure of the exact measurements of the case, but I think it is probably somewhere about 10 feet long.

Pat did this one all by herself.  When I was working there, she was on one side of a large worktable working on this some of the time and I was on the other, restoring.  I don't know who was having more fun.  Best job I ever had!

Anyway, it is time to go back to cupboard cleaning... Worst job I have ever had...

See you tomorrow.


  1. those witches aren't scarey at all, they're all sort of like Glenda (from Oz) only more forgetful :)

    thanks for sharing your photos of the Museum Casey


  2. Biker Chick Witch! To cool for words!
    Cupboard cleaning :(

  3. Oh I LOVE these little witchy people.
    I must do my cupboards soon.I'm going for an operation soon, so that will be a good motivation.We all like a clean house to come home to don't we.

  4. I always love to look at those witches. Hope it went well with your cupboard cleaning! You always have so much energy. I'm going through a mean virus right now and I can't seem to shake it off.

  5. unos personajes fantasticos



  6. They are all fabulous but I especially like the biker witch. What fun adventures you could go on with her.
