Tuesday, May 6, 2014

If All Else Fails, Draw a Picture...

This morning I started designing the screen behind the bed.  I know what I want it to look like, but in order for it to come to fruition, I need to visualize.

I got out the graph paper tablet and went to work.  A few days ago, I put "North African Bedrooms" and "North African Baths" in MSN images and got a bunch, but not much of what I was looking for.  Lots of hotel rooms...

There were a few though. So I had enough to work with. 

The sketches are pretty hard to see, but the important part is, I can see them.
When it came to the bath, I found one that the tub was more or less part of the wall.  That is, it was made of the same materials.  I think that I want some mosaic tile on Daisy's. 

I still have to take the window into consideration.  I think that they will all go with the exterior of the house.  I can work with those and make them fit the North African décor.

You will notice that Tessie is back.

She has been following me around since yesterday.  Or I should say, she has been being carried to and fro, to use her description...
I went in to do some more cleaning in the workroom yesterday afternoon... Oh well... I did finish this basket finally.  I was dreading putting in the bottom. 

I wove this whole thing over a metal frame that I found at Goodwill. The weaving was shot, but the frame was solid.

All Tessie needs now is a seat belt and a helmet and she will be set.

She announced that this is the latest in transportation... As soon as I finished it, she plopped her directorial chair in the bottom and plopped herself on top.  Then she demanded, "Carry me to the bedroom.  I need to see how work is progressing on m Daisy's house.  Notice the crossed out M.  She almost slipped.

She explained that she feels safe in this basket, because of the metal frame.  "Even if you drop it, I will be safe and sound."

I wonder what would happen if I threw it across the room.... Don't tempt me, Tessie! She would just automatically zap herself to safety.

I am going back now to draw a better plan for the screen and then execute it... It seems to be turning North African with a bit of a 60's hippy vibe, so far.  We shall see.

See you tomorrow.


  1. Hey, Casey. Very clever! It should be very interesting.

  2. creo que tendras esas habitaciones listas enseguida , veo que lo tienes muy claro y eso es una gran ventaja , y Tessie es muy acaparadora , todo lo quiere para ella , es imposible



  3. Hello Casey,
    I am so excited by this project. the sketches look great and I love the direction you are headed.
    Big hug,

  4. Hi Casey, I love this concept, very rich and inviting. No wonder Tessie wants to claim it:) What color palette are you going with? Hugs, Sarah

  5. Hi Casey
    I went to pintrest to check and see what African Bathrooms looked like ..they're pretty awesome..wish I had one

