Monday, January 13, 2014

Shut Up and Keep Painting!

Subtitled, Tessie made me do it...

Yesterday, I took the day off and made this.  Nope.  Not mini.  These baskets made from magazines are addictive.  You can't make just one.  At least I can't.

I have a lot of ideas for storage with these.  They are so much more interesting to look at than plastic bins and drawers.
Then my bubble burst when I went into the workroom this morning.  I took one look at the second floor of Tessie's project and wailed, "No Tessie.  That is NOT a floor."

To my relief, she came up with the words in the title of this entry.

I have been painting walls and floors for a week or so and she still will not give me a clue. 
Personally,  I think that the whole thing is just busy work, until the new cottage arrives.

Oh well, it keeps me amused and her out of trouble.  As long as she thinks she is boss, everything goes well...

I cut the second floor that you see from wallpaper samples.  I used to go to a Sherwin-Williams store back in the 80s that gave away their sample books when they were no longer needed.  At one point, I had about 40.  I took out the pages that I thought I could use and still had a stack about a foot high.  I am now down to just a few, but they still come in handy.

This particular paper has ridges, like a ruffles potato chip.  I used some of it in Zar's workroom in the clockwork cottage.  The nice thing about it is, it's vinyl and  can be painted with Ceramcoat.

I used the same color on it as I did as the base coat on the slate.  Tessie made me do it.....

I have to go back and take some more orders to keep the peace.  She is yelling at me from the other room. 

I think that she wants some of the walls painted... Now she tells me!

See you tomorrow.


  1. Have fun, Casey! She sure keeps you busy! I see Spike is out of hiding! Nice to see him!

  2. Those baskets are so cool. I have to learn how to do those. How wonderful that you have all these great mini projects to work on. I think it's such a good way to spend time and make art.

  3. Hello Casey,
    Tessie keeps you busy but it is looking wonderful. Those baskets are wonderful!
    Big hug,

  4. Isn't it amazing the no matter how small they are, when they shout it's as loud as an elephant!
    By the way, still practising the baskets (I listen to your advice) but ran out of newspaper, needed it for the cat litter :-D

  5. Veronique, I am using magazines now. Our newspapers aren't the same as other countries and don't work as well. The ink rubs off all over my hands. I use House Beautiful and other decorating magazines that a friend saves for me.
