Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Shut Up and Keep Painting MORE!

 Tessie picked out this Folk Art Bleu Colonial.  I got this far and asked her, "Are you sure?".  I was not liking it at all...

Her answer, "Rub it off and start over!"

I did. 

 Next she decided on an old standby.  Trail Tan Ceramcoat. 

I got the downstairs all painted and she and Spike wandered in and she said....."That looks just like my first cottage.  Icky!

This time I was too far along to rub it off.  Two coats...
I didn't argue.  What's the use?

Instead I told her to go get another color that she liked....

This is what she came back with.... Yes.  It is the same color that was on the wall to start.  Grrrrrr!

Now I have to wait for the trail tan to dry thoroughly and start over for the fourth time...

Why didn't she decide on that in the first place?

This is not going to be the best of days....

See you tomorrow.


  1. And in all of this trauma, our dear Spike remains the quiet observer! Dear Spike, how we love you! Yes, Casey, I know! I'm being cheesy but I'm having fun here and I'm laughing my full head off! Cheers!

  2. Hi Casey! It's me again! I'm having second thoughts about having used the word "cheesy". I think I should have used "corny" or "silly". Sorry, I just had to come back or else I would have dwelt on this all evening. This is what happens when one lives alone!

  3. LOL, Lucille, cheesy, corny or silly all fit the situation. Between you and me, Tessie is about to have a bottle of paint poured over her head!

    I may just lock her in a closet and do something else until the other cottage gets here... Remember what I said about busy work?

  4. esta Tessie es mas que caprichosa ,hay que ver, espero que esta sea la ultima capa de pintura que debas poner en las paredes



  5. Mari, Tessie is learning her lesson as I am writing this!
