Friday, January 31, 2014

Measure Twice. Cut and Trim...

I decided to do the illustration board method of  tile flooring in the kitchen.  For that, I have to have a piece of illustration board exactly the same size and shape as the floor of the kitchen...

Interesting, but not a lot of fun.  First I took a sheet of copy paper and fit it into the two straight side walls.  Then I creased and cut....Creased and cut the next wall, creased and cut the bump out....Creased and cut the front corner... and then cut and trimmed until it fit in the space.

Next I cut a piece of illustration board in the same shape and trimmed it, here and there, in slivers until it fit...

I took my T square an drew lines where I want the tile to be...I have it on the diagonal now...I am not sure if I like that or not.  Stay tuned... You will find out tomorrow. 

If I waited until I had the floor finished to write this, it wouldn't be online until about five this afternoon. 

This process takes a while.  If you want to see a finished floor, go look at the Southwestern Room Box.

Meanwhile, last night I finished this tray.  It once was a House Beautiful magazine.  Now it is a wire work tray. I used almost all of the magazine to do this one.

These silly baskets are addictive.  I keep thinking of more places that I could use them.

I shan't do any more basket weaving today.  I have a tile floor to finish.

See you tomorrow.


  1. Hello Casey,
    I do my floors the same way. It takes a while, but it is so much easier to work on the floors outside of the house.
    Big hug,

  2. Since you shan't do any basket weaving today, maybe this will appeal to you :-) and


  3. Lovely tray! I look forward to seeing your floor!

  4. Veronique, are you trying to distract me from the floor? Love the blog. Thanks! The book, I am not so sure of. I looked and there are 13 pages of that one, used, for sale. Many of them going for one cent+ 3.99 for shipping!LOL.

  5. Hm... it might be worth the 4$. Have you read the reviews ?

    "Grab a glass of something cold, and thoughtfully stroke your 'ziff' (beard) while reading this in a 'zypthesary' (brewhouse). It may be 'faffle' (work occupied requiring much labor with non-commensurate results), but maybe not.

    So far the floor is faffle, what have you got to lose ?


  6. Veronique, I don't have a ziff or frequent a zypthesary, I will have plenty of time to finish the floor. No faffles here! LOL
