Thursday, January 5, 2012

Cheap Thrills!

There's one way to make people forget things that you don't want remembered....Give them a large bottle of dis remembering potion and 98 champagne flutes.This is the first of the cheap thrills....I have been waiting for at least a year and a half for Dollar Tree to get the champagne flutes back in stock. They are wedding favors and they consist of two flutes tied together with ribbon. The package is labeled "24 favors", so you are really getting 48 flutes per package. They come in gold and silver in separate packages. I had to get one of each, so that accounts for the 98 glasses.

Even Rocky Raccoon got one. Frisky has one, but I am not at all sure that is wise. He is a mean alligator when he drinks...The second cheap thrill is the typesetter's drawer that Sue gave me. Thanks Sue! Not cheap exactly. It was just that it was free and I finally got around to hanging it this morning. This one is a bit different from all of the other ones that I have. The cubes are all the same size. Now all I have to do is shoo the forgetful drunks away and start filling it.

Of course they have plans of their own for filling it. I heard Zar say, "Hmmmm...This thing would hold a lot of bug beer..."

Thank goodness, Tessie vetoed that idea. She wants it filled with hats, shoes and purses. Typical witchy woman....

I spent the morning in the workroom, tidying up from the holiday mess. I am so thrilled that I didn't have to spend a couple of weeks doing it this year.

My last cheap thrill for the day is something silly. Strange things entertain me....I bought a package of suction cups with little plastic hooks run through the shank, at the same time as the flutes. I am just getting around to opening both.

I had, from I don't know where, one suction cup hanging on the workroom window. It had lost its hook and I replaced it with a fancy Christmas ornament hook in copper. I kind of liked it. It had a beaded needle case hanging on it for the longest time. It looked lonely.This morning I opened the package of lots of suction cups and started wetting them and pushing them against the window. I didn't like the plastic hooks. They were easily removed. I found more of the ornament hangers and put them on. Then I grabbed a bunch of my scissors and hung a pair from each hook.

It almost looks like bubbles are floating up outside the window. I don't know how long they will stay or if I will replace the scissors with something else, but it's a handy dandy place to keep things beside the desk.

As I have said before....Simple things amuse simple people...Case in point? Tessie is having a ball swinging from the scissors and watching the world go by. Too bad I am not small enough to join her. It looks like fun.

See you tomorrow.


  1. That's a great story! so many champangne flutes....that will be a big wedding party!! :)

  2. What are you going to do with soooo many champagne flutes??? I would love to just "hang" there with Tessie too, looks like you're having a beautiful day there in Arizona, it's pretty here in Ca. also, but we do wish for rain...happy mini'ing...((HUGGS))

  3. I wish you , your family and the little couple a healthy and happy 2012.
    Love your story's, wonder what the letterbox will hold.

  4. It's so strange to look out your window and see leaves on the tree. Over here, the pine trees in front are all covered with snow. They're so beautiful! I really am in the winter mood. I could never live in the desert. I am a winter person. I can't stand the heat. I like certain parts of spring and autumn but for me, it's winter all the way. Sometimes, it's a bit hard but I prefer winter anytime!

  5. Lucille, you can keep the cold. I will keep the hot and we will both be happy. The tree that you see outside my window is a Mesquite. It sheds leaves year round and grows new ones year round. Walter hates it for that reason. I love it.

  6. Oh, swinging from something in front of a window and being able to view the world without being outside sounds so good this morning. Just hope Tessie can remember how she got up there.

    By the way, I love your site. Reading what is going on is my way of de-stressing and getting a laugh, as well as ideas.
