The current temperature in Tucson is 36 degrees. It may get as high as 47 today. We desert rats don't like days like this.
I was out at 4:30 this morning to go get groceries. It was 32degrees. I beat the crowds, but not the temperature.
I decided that today would be the day that I had to clean out that closet that has all of the fabric stored inside. I seldom go into this one. At least not the left hand side. Whoever designed this was a complete idiot! It has double doors. That's good. The doors are to the far right hand side. That's bad.
About three and a half feet are virtually inaccessible. I don't know why they couldn't have put the doors in the middle. Most irritating....
So about once a year, I dive in and pull everything out. That's the only way it can be cleaned.
I won't bore you with the piles of stuff all over the floor. I did find, at the bottom of the back, an oak, curved glass room box that I have never done anything with. One of these days....It is very pretty and sits on cabriole legs that I found in a thrift shop. Someone, probably a high school shop student, made the frame for an oak footstool. Amazingly, it is the same dimensions as the box. It makes a nice occasional table when the two are put together.
You may ask why I never did anything with it? Simple. It is a very awkward shaped box. The ceiling is high, but not high enough for a second story. I have argued with this box for years about what it is going to be. One of these days, I am going to win! For now, it is out of the way.
I found my stock of yarn. Some is going away now. Some is staying to be made into something or be finished.
The half sock to the left is a good example. I started designing Halloween socks a few years ago. Then I got down to the part that would logically be boring black.
The six year old's attention span wandered. I am going to leave these out where the six year old will see them and get a guilty conscience. they will get finished. My goal is next Halloween. Tessie says that they would look good with pointy toes and no shoes....
The crochet below the sock is a granny afghan that I started a few years ago also. That's another one that I am bound and determined to finish. I really like it, but it is so time consuming. Every square in it is different.
So far, I have found two candidates for the Chesterfield.
They are both fat quarters that April found at her favorite quilt shop. They are both quilt weight cotton. The first one is a kind of tweedy material that looks like upholster's fabric in miniature. I think that it will make great mini furniture.
The second one is my first choice so far. Cheaters sometimes win....This one would be easy to tuft. I could use the diamonds in the fabric as a guide. I would probably use every other dot.
So....While I clean, I talk to myself, answer myself and sometimes argue. That part I do with Tessie. She likes the last fabric and wants me to stop cleaning and start upholstering her couch.
The only problem is, I can't reach the door! Until the stuff is all put neatly back into the closet, I can't get out of the room!
The next step in the Chesterfield will be here tomorrow. I promise. Can someone slip a pizza under the door, so that I can keep cleaning?
See you tomorrow.
jaja, suerte con la limpieza!!
ReplyDeleteI love the colours and patterns in your Halloween sock. And, that afghan is so different. I love it. I like Tessie's choice of fabric for the chesterfield. I'm sending you a virtual piece of pizza and a Mr. Pepper. If I remember correctly, that's what you like to drink?
ReplyDeleteLucille, I think it is Dr Pepper or Mr Pibb.LOL I don't remember ever having a Mr Pibb. Mine is Dr Pepper or Pepsi.You are going to have to send a long tube to shove under the door for me to drink it. I am still reloading the closet!
ReplyDeleteI agree, the minute I saw the 2nd fabric, I was convinced, it is so pretty and will look great on the Chesterfield. I have a closet like that! It was that cold here all day on Saturday, and this is "Sunny California", but we are in the mountains at 4,000 foot level. Keep warm!! ((Huggs)) p.s. got my Glencroft today, wish me luck!! I will go back and study your progress from a couple of years ago.
ReplyDeleteHigh about a very short attic above a room?
ReplyDeleteHow about adding some decor to the foot portion of the sox? A spider? A snake? A potion bottle? They could just be colored squares that get a bit of embroidery at the end. Or maybe something abstract... Easy for me to say since you are doing all the work! LOL!