Sunday, November 20, 2011

Not Really Procrastinating....Honest.....

It is called more like "Doing forty things at once." It's almost the end of the year and I am taking stock....See these five photos, all done up in a neat little frame?

Since one of my first jobs carried the title "Inventory Clerk", I have a bad habit of counting things that shouldn't need counting. For example, this morning I looked around the workroom and in just these five areas, I counted 33 various kinds of either unfinished or never been started room boxes, vignettes, houses, birdcages, and other unusual containers for mini scenes....We are not talking about the ones that aren't showing.

This is serious enough to make me want to tiptoe out the door and lock it until after Christmas! I won't. But I do reserve the right to tiptoe out once in a while and work on something else.

For example, knitting. Every year I knit socks for April and Seth and if I have time, I do it for other family members too.

I am making headway on the pile that I showed you the other day. I finished the first pair and am up to turning the heel on the second sock of the next pair....However......The other day April requested a stocking cap. So....I went and got a skein of yarn and started that this morning. That won't take long. While I was looking for needles, I also found a diagonal patterned scarf that I started earlier in the year. Make that two....One of them is not in the photo.

I somehow think that there is a pattern here. The six year old's attention span is alive and well...Tessie is not being of much help. Now she wants socks too. She insists that she is part of the family and NEEDS socks.

The six year old is going to be very busy, jumping from one project to the next. If I finish the hat today and a sock tomorrow, will I do all of those minis? Don't worry. I will squeeze them into the lineup somehow.

See you tomorrow.


  1. Wow! 33!? I admire that you save them. I tend to get rid of things that I tire of at the moment and regret it later. I am trying to save my miniatures - added 3 shelves to store things on.

  2. Great 1:1 socks! And Tessie also wants to have a mini version of socks?... mmmh...another mini project challenge... :)
    Well...ok you really have enough mini projects to finish, Casey! Reminds me of my own unfinished miniatures dilemma. But I think that is normal when you are a miniaturist with all your soul... and sometimes little creatures started to come alive... lately there is also something in my drawer that started speeking to me.. her name is Wilma lol

  3. Don't feel bad. I have a six-year-old too. My mom used to make me feel like a failure. "You'll never amount to anything in life because you NEVER FINISH ANYTHING". You are living proof that WE CAN SO FINISH just takes us a bit longer, that's all ;)

  4. You have to realize that I only took photos of things that show. That plant stand over the closet is as deep as the closet...You can't see even half of what's up there. Maybe that would be a good project. I have not been up there in over a year...Who knows what has moved in up there now?LOL The big antique Cracker box on the right has a smaller cranberry box, also antique, inside and something else inside of that...On and on....
