Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back in Business!

Just a short note...I got on the computer this morning. Hit the button for dashboard and panicked! Dashboard said I didn't have a blog and politely asked if I would like to start one!

I went round and round trying to find out what happened. The only way I could contact them was by asking a question in the forum pages. I asked.... I called Walter and asked him what browser we were on. That shows you how panicked I was...

This part took me about 30 minutes. I wrote the question and posted it. Then I went back to dashboard... You guessed it. Some kind soul at blogger had read my question and restored the blog!

Now I only have one problem. I can't remember where I went to post the question. I would like to take it down. I can't find it.....How is your day going? Better than mine, I hope.

I will be back later with today's entry. I feel like I just wasted a half hour running in circles... I need a mini fix. I am going to work on Zar's place.

See you later.


  1. Good grief! What a scare! A good question to ask might be how to back up a blog. Now you've got me thinking about it.

  2. Tell me about it... When I realised I lost your blog I was very sad... I love the adventures of Tessie, Zar and you of course!
    Welcome Back!

  3. ugh- how does that happen I wonder? I am soooo bad with computer stuff- I think I would have reacted much worse. Glad your blog is back though Casey- no matter how busy I get yours is one I always make time to read-even if I don't comment much :)

  4. Kathie, I have a one of those little extra thingies that you can put things on to back it up. I am just very bad about doing it. I WILL be doing it today!

  5. Thank goodness you are back, I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now and was completely bummed out when I couldn't find you this morning.

  6. I noticed that yesterday myself. Google must have been "googling around" as a different page came up when I went to find my DASHBOARD. I poked about and noticed on one of the pages at the top "dashboard" was listed, I punched it and voila, it took me to my blog page. This is not the first time they have done this. I've run into the "problem" before. It just means we have to learn to re-route our journey. It is a disabling feeling. I am not that computer literate either, so these throw me for a loop as well. Wish those "geeks" behind the system would have a heart and remember that there are those of us that barely get about in the "system." LOL Take heart, Casey, you are not alone. : )

  7. Casey, your question is on page 3 (maybe 4 by now) of "something is broken" on the help forum. :-)

    (Gld you're back!)

  8. My blog is messed up too. My side bar is now on the left and after my posts... I hope it corrects itself soon!

  9. I have been having computer problems also and I don't even have a blog. It's been making a lot of loud groaning noises and refusing to turn on. I have been in the dumps all morning. I felt so lost and lonely without my computer. And, I was already missing all you guys. I know someone who can help me but he can only come next week. I suddenly decided to try again after I don't know how many tries and it came on but it took me a long time to coax the Firefox page to come on. I have decided not to turn it off until this person can come over and see what's wrong. Anyways, Casey, I'm so happy we haven't lost you! I don't know about you, Casey, but my brain seems to go into a fog when I have to deal with computer problems. It's like I go into shock!

  10. Lucille, not shock....Total panic!!! At least that's how it is for me.

  11. Right, Casey! Total panic mode is what I meant. I hate that feeling of helplessness.

  12. Hi Casey, something wrong is going on. I found 4 different blogs which had the same URL of the ones I followed but not the same contents or even the same name. They popped up in my items list without any advice. I managed to delete them but they seemingly swallowed up the older ones. It happened to Kat the Hat Lady and Nikki as well plus a couple more. I wonder who is doing this and I begin to worry for my own blog. I have to find a way to back up the older posts and we should all be careful.
    Now take a good breath and play a bit. Minihugs Rosanna

  13. Rosanna, I was another person that got the new blog in place of Nikki's. That was not nice at all. I also got Yummy Mini Foods. I think that you had to be signed on to follow the old blog for that to happen. Someone was collecting inactive, no longer used urls for blogs and writing on them. I don't think that the person could take over an active one. At least I hope not!

  14. The whole technology thing makes me panic! I'm so glad you're back, I don't comment all the time but reading your blog is one my daily fix ;)
